Just In
for Lifeless

12/17/2015 c5 Hana13
Hello, is this fic still ongoing?
10/15/2013 c5 26Redi Chalyn
No it can't be over yet please continue!
2/12/2013 c5 gracie21
Very nice! It seems that you are getting more comfortable within the story. I can definitely tell a good difference between this and the first chapter. Good job!
2/12/2013 c4 gracie21
Very good chapter! Loved the banter between Anders and Fenris!
2/3/2013 c4 Senkawolf
You are getting Fenris really well with mark of the assasin when he finds you a d you were romanced with him he is really worried your getting this part spot on they way he is worried about hawke is just great one of the main reasons I've romanced Fenris 5 times now he's just the best keep up the good work
2/1/2013 c5 2GlysMari
Good chapter. I can feel Fenris's pain and desperation tearing at my heart.
1/31/2013 c5 42Zephyros-Phoenix
This chapter was nice and I liked the touch of Fenris' desperation, more of which we will no doubt see. However, the short length and minimal content did leave me wanting more. Nevertheless, I do look forward to seeing how you incorporate the poison gas powder into the Fenris-Hawke relationship and how you come up with saving her
1/31/2013 c5 AminaNoir
Oh I hope everyone ends up ok. :) who am I kidding it never,ends up like that! Well can't wait to see what's next!
1/31/2013 c5 GallifreyanMyth
Don't let Hawke die :(
1/1/2013 c4 Carol
I liked the beginning when you wrote that each time Anders touched Hawk, Fenris flinched as if he'd been smacked. Very vivid, and yet not used by anyone else.
12/31/2012 c4 Zephyros-Phoenix
All right, now we're getting somewhere! This chapter was great, but I would have liked to see more of Fenris' emotions on the possibility of Hawke never getting better. Although, I'm sure you'll include that in later when they assess Hawke's condition and deal with curing her. Can't wait for mer!
12/31/2012 c4 AminaNoir
Oh no I hope Hawke is alright, it's,noFenris' fault! Oh can't wait to see where this story goes! Oh and Happy New Years! :D
12/23/2012 c3 AminaNoir
Oooo I wonder where this will lead now, I'm liking this story so far :) can't wait to see what you come up with!
12/8/2012 c3 Zephyros-Phoenix
Nice to see an update, I just hope I don't have to wait too long because I really want to see Fenris reacting to a deathly ill Hawke and how he deals with his emotions. The chapter was nice, but it didn't feel too fulfilling, probably because it was just a progression of the poison gas quest. So I do hope you update soon.
11/29/2012 c2 Katanar-de-Grace
i'm really liking this story. Don't worry about how long your chapters are, as long as you have a story to tell no one will care how long chapters are (at lest i won't).
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