Just In
for Awake and Alive

10/7/2013 c9 Guest
This just fucked me up...
8/8/2013 c9 14Dani-LUFC
Oh my god I fucking love this story! *jumps up and down with excitement* And it even had Damien in it! _ this is fucking awesome! I loooooved the ending xD just awesome!
6/2/2013 c9 3Kukat
This story is a definite favourite! Loved the writing :) my only piece advice though, is to focus a bit more on pacing and really taking the time to make the story more in-depth. The beginning's pacing was really good, but I felt the last few chapters were a bit rush. Not super noticeably or anything, but I just thought that I'd give you something to think about for your upcoming fanfics:) all in all awesome story!
5/19/2013 c9 SupernaturalPhanGrrl
I like the happy ending better. Craig ends up meeting Tweek again. That makes me happy.

Poor Craig in the sad ending though. It was the ending I expected though. :( Committing suicide to be with Tweek since he can't live without him.

I loved this story so much! You're amazing!
5/19/2013 c9 babe
OH AWWW :'( DID Craig die?
Why did craig die? :(
4/13/2013 c8 SupernaturalPhanGrrl
... Why can't I speak or breath? This is all heavy. Ah yes, squid pro row. XD Sorry, as soon as I read that my brain went to Austin Powers: Goldmember. I can just taste the tension and shit on this. Please don't disappoint me. I mean, as little chance of you doing that now that this story is almost through, but still! And the fact that this story is nearing completion makes me a sad panda. :( But being grounded from my computer and not being able to go on Fanfiction as much makes me even sadder.
3/23/2013 c7 SupernaturalPhanGrrl
I'm too stunned to talk and my jaw is just dropped. Whoa... Craig really doesn't wanna let Tweek go... That kinda scares me. I kinda agree with Token. It is always Stan and them screwing things up. I mainly feel sorry for Craig though. All he wants is Tweek, but Tweek isn't really alive, and everyone, including his friends, is trying to take Tweek from him. So he's willing to give up everything, just to have Tweek. That's really, really sad. Tweek doesn't belong in the world of the living. And I think Craig has gone insane.
3/20/2013 c6 21PomRocks16
I admire your writing a lot. In fact out of all creek/zombie fan fictions, this is so far the best in my book, it keeps me at the edge of my seat at all times and makes me "D'AAAAAW" just as much. I feel bad for Tweek, not being able to fully control his urges to eat other human beings, but still, Tweek is Tweek, and you got to love him. I think that this is one of the many stories which needs more reviews. You deserve a virtual cookie my talented friend, in fact, make it a whole batch of cookies. I hope that you continue writing and that you update soon, keep up the good work!
3/11/2013 c6 SupernaturalPhanGrrl
What's wrong with Ike?

I'd LOVE a Style! XD

I'm kinda scared about Tweek. Craig honestly doesn't think he can keep Tweek forever, does he? He has to let go sometimes and face facts that Tweek isn't human.
3/11/2013 c6 8AlyGone
Great chapter, as always!
Poor Ike though... Getting all zombiefied and shit... lmao.
Can't wait to read more! :)
2/19/2013 c5 CattiCandi
oh god please make moar!:3
2/18/2013 c5 Aly
Oh god Kevin you stupid drunk fucker... Gonna get everybody contaminated! XD
Desipite Kevin being a stupid asshole this was a great chapter. I was happy to see that you updated. Cant wait to read more!
2/16/2013 c5 SupernaturalPhanGrrl
... Oh fuck.
1/8/2013 c4 SupernaturalPhanGrrl
So Tweek is now officially a monster. He's a zombie. All he does is eat. The only thing on his mind is where he finds his next meal. Poor Stan, he regrets his decision to bring Tweek back for Craig.

Don't worry, I can't hate you. I've been back in school since last Wednesday!

Tweek better not eat Craig! XD
1/4/2013 c2 9MeandPizzatheOTP
Oh and I forgot to write in the other review, but that guest who posted about angels and shit after you've already made this into a zombie fic should not be listened to. At all.
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