Just In
for Young Justice: Breather

3/19/2013 c18 ChaotixController
I hate to say I was right about the end in regards to the light, but as they say, business as usual. I did not see the part of Kid Flash coming though and that was indeed sad, fading away never really means dead, at least in the permanant fashion. If any one can make a decent YJ season 3 my money's on you. I can already tell you have a few things in mind for it as well, good call with Tigress I actually thought of that myself. I wouldn't worry about your portrayal of the characters too much, you seem to do a good job as this story proves. If you want to make a balance between characters you could simply write an episode chapter than a Breather chapter afterwards. If it would't be too much trouble maybe you can use teen titan characters in the new season, just thought I'd throw that out there.
3/19/2013 c18 31Brightpath2
I hope for the "third season" fic to be as amazing as this was.
oh that last episode made me CRY.
you are amazing! I loved it. :)
3/19/2013 c18 Nightwing Master of the Aster
something makes me think that in 2016 BB wouldn't be using a gameboy. They don't make them any more
3/19/2013 c18 4Krazykandyman
Go for it, but I would say make it as a separate story...and go nuts bring Wally back to life, it wouldn't be the first time the DC universe brought back a dead hero back...*Cough* Conner *Cough*
3/19/2013 c18 1Dead account no longer here
Great story! I still can't believe Wally died! I thought he was going to live or be like saying, why u crying babe? That was sad. Or shocking. Yeah shocking. I was shocked they actually killed a main.
3/17/2013 c16 31Brightpath2
oh my gosh that is beyond epic.
and it would totally happen.
Wonderful chapter.
3/15/2013 c17 48Kamil the Awesome
Not yet is what I'm thinking. There's a screenshot of the four Flashes together. I doubt it's at the beginning, since the clip of Kaldur and the good Beetles going after Black takes place just after the title card.
3/14/2013 c16 iliketoread20003
ha ha ha
3/14/2013 c16 1Elemental-Aura
I thought Krytonians can't get drunk since their metabolism is more advanced than humans?
3/14/2013 c16 14Cinderella Girl626
Oh God. I hope those two dont get into trouble. XD
3/14/2013 c16 48Kamil the Awesome
Shucks. I was hoping Wally and Artemis were going to chase down a drunken teammate. Hey, is it possible they could try and get Wally drunk? I want to see how that works out.
3/13/2013 c15 iliketoread20003
omgz now that was a funny way to end a chp.
3/13/2013 c15 31Brightpath2
oooh, do we get to hear the story? please please please please please please?
wonderfully amusing chapter! I am so happy that the Summit was so good. :) :)
Kaldur is technically now the leader of the Team again O_O strange . . .
awesome, but strange.
Anyways, wonderful chapter, update soon!
3/13/2013 c15 48Kamil the Awesome
You begin in the next chapter, Wally.
3/4/2013 c14 1Dead account no longer here
Awesome! Why can't beast boy be more invalid in the series like this? Then again if he was, what would u write right? Hehehe write right.
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