Just In
for Young Justice: Breather

3/4/2013 c14 31Brightpath2
I was happy that La'gaan got dumped, but I did feel sorry for him. I think he needs to find someone else.
I LOVE M'gann.
I feel bad for her too, because Conner was out with Wendy :( Which is technically good for Conner . . . *sigh*
Good chapter. I loved it.
3/4/2013 c14 ChaotixController
You only laugh if it was funny, M'gann breaking up with the creature of the Black Lagoon's bastard child was rather expected, as was at the end of EVERY EPISODE the bad guys throw thier two bits at how EVERYTHING was going According to Plan despite all the minor setbacks the team has given them in the past. In fact they seem to have accounted everything from them excepted for Nightwing's Sting op. I actually think they already know about but are just stringing them along just to lead blow it up in thier faces where it will hurt the most. I atually am beguining to understand a bit of the Lights endgame in all of this but is still a theory at this point

I suspect that the season two finale will end up like the last season finale, light takes control of everything, the team stops them, and it all ends in a cliffhanger thats revealed in the next season, where everything went according the plan, AGAIN.

All Rambling aside good chapter, I like happy endings as much as the next guy, but I have my doubts since the Light ruin any happy endings, both the comics and the past episodes can attest to that.
3/4/2013 c14 14Cinderella Girl626
Im so scared. I hope Superboy and Miss Martian just find happiness, even if its not with each other. :3

Im wondering how the show is going to end. :P
3/4/2013 c14 48Kamil the Awesome
I have screenshots of the next episode. There's a large white male without hair that can't be Lex Luthor, since he's not wearing a suit. Any ideas? Also, unmasked Tigress with blade near Ra's. It should be stellar.
2/28/2013 c13 31Brightpath2
Thank you Conner. Good boy.
Good chapter, it made me very happy. I think it's a realistic version of what Conner's frame of mind might be like.
2/28/2013 c13 26Blak-Ice
Another excellent chapter. I really enjoy seeing different character together like this. I never would have imagined Mal and Conner having a heart to heart like this.
2/28/2013 c13 14Cinderella Girl626
I feel bad for Superboy. I hope he gets his nightmare in check so he can move on. :3
2/27/2013 c5 28moonwolfdragonfox
2/25/2013 c12 Guest
You sure nightwing told the rest of the team about kaldur and Artemis' undercover mission? Sure he told Conner and lagoon boy, but would they really tell the rest of the team?
2/25/2013 c12 Guest
Just a mention, M'gann mindraped Superboy and in Depths wasn't at all apologetic. I understand him still having feelings for her but their relationship became pretty abusive. It's not healthy that he wants to get back with her so much. She had power over him and abused it and broke his trust. Everyone just seems to ignore that but that's pretty much a final nail in the Supermartian ship especially since she's never at all apologized for what she did compared to how she grieved over Kaldur.
2/26/2013 c12 iliketoread20003
Really like!
2/24/2013 c4 Vanessa Masters
Interesting way to end the chapter. nice :D
2/25/2013 c12 31Brightpath2
Oh Conner . . . . . .
Oh poor Conner.
I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! THIS CHAPTER MADE ME MOSTLY happy except for the sad parts.
:) Good chapter.
2/25/2013 c12 1Dead account no longer here
Damn. Hardcore.
2/25/2013 c12 Mercer21
Good chapter, but Asami is Japanese not Chinese.
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