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for Young Justice: Breather

12/8/2012 c3 Guest
12/8/2012 c3 1Dead account no longer here
Dude...awesome. Pure awesomeness.
12/8/2012 c3 31Brightpath2
It was his fault.
Mwahahahahahahaha! :) I LOVED IT! :) Best chapter so far.
12/5/2012 c1 Guest
La'Gaan that was a cheap shot! NO!
Now watch Superboy whoop your butt!
12/5/2012 c2 AnnechanB
Loved it. I love the brother bonding between Conner and Gar!
12/5/2012 c2 1Dead account no longer here
12/5/2012 c2 1Elemental-Aura
I would imagine Conner like this.

As much as he (and I) wanted to beat the living daylights out of Lagoon Boy he'll walk away being noble. (I can imagine Lagoon Boy boasting about his "win" and the team will think more low about La gann. I would like M'gann putting him in his place saying Conner could've knocked you out if he hadn't decided to be the better man and if she found put what Lagoon Boy said to Gar

And I also see Conner being big brother or dad like to Gar and being the 1 arm hugging guy to try and comfort people

Interesting and great story so far can't wait to know more about the Apocalyptic enemies
12/5/2012 c2 Ben A
This was a great chapter. Very touching without being cheesy. I know what movie you described Conner and Gar watching: "Jurassic Park 3." So, are there going to be more chapters?
12/5/2012 c2 31Brightpath2
Sweet Conner and Garfield moment. I'm kind of glad that Conner beat La'gaan up.
12/3/2012 c1 2kickarora
oooh go sick...haha this is great
12/2/2012 c1 2The Polyethylene Man
Good first chapter; lots of elements at play here. Hope you continue this.
12/1/2012 c1 1Dead account no longer here
Kickass. Update cause now you got me into this.
12/1/2012 c1 1Elemental-Aura
Kick L'gann's ass Conner.
12/1/2012 c1 31Brightpath2
L'gann now had my permission to die.
I love it!
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