Just In
for Ducky the Snowman

3/31/2013 c1 Read The Rules
Here is a list of conducts that should always be observed:

Respect the reviewers. Not all reviews will strictly praise the work. If someone rightfully criticizes a portion of the writing, take it as a compliment that the reviewer has opted to spend his/her valuable time to help improve an author's writing
1/13/2013 c1 133IMSLES
This is really cute! I do think sometimes Gibbs sees them all as little children. They often behave that way anyway, lol.

Congrats on your first fic!

12/6/2012 c1 71scousemuz1k
That was fun; congratulations on posting your very first NCIS story!
12/6/2012 c1 15vanishingp2000
Thank you for this, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it :-) VP
12/6/2012 c1 4ny05016sc
That was really cute story.
12/6/2012 c1 17DS2010
Cute tale I liked it

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