Just In
for Secret Code Names

7/29/2013 c1 6Summer Lovin Gal
Haha LOL! I caught on, on who's who when you mentioned Evil Squirrel which is Dez.
7/21/2013 c1 4Take chances beyond the norm
So cute. Good job writing this.
1/22/2013 c1 14Rainbor123
YES! I KNEW IT i guessed the code names! But it wasnt that hard :/
Nicly writtin :)
Its 2 in the morning... I gatta stop this :(
12/27/2012 c1 Florence
So if i fill it in it is like this...

Ally says that Austin and Dez might be suspicious." Ally said. I wrote down the names that she said and a shorter version of the sentence.
"Trish says that Ally shouldn't worry. They might just be looking for a panda." Trish said. Ally sat down. I wrote that down too.
"Ally says I don't know Trish. I think I like Austin, but I don't think he likes me back." Ally said. Is she talking about Dallas?
"Trish says that everybody knows Austin and Ally love each other! Well, everybody in the mall knows. You could ask Nelson. He sees how you look at him. Or Cassidy She saw how Austin was looking at Ally." Trish said. That was kinda confusing, but I got it written down. When Ally left to help some customers, and Trish left to get fired from Thats A Rap! A place where you could record your own rapping demos, Dez and I got out of the piano. Or I did. Apparently, Dez fell asleep through the entire thing.

? ? ? ?
12/13/2012 c1 nicolive
I KNEW I! Evil squirrel is Dez! knew it! score! Am I odd? Yes. But I'm happy. good one-shot!
12/9/2012 c1 1Jaybail
Those were a pretty funny names
12/9/2012 c1 22Got2LoveFandoms
Aww loved it! cool code :P
I loved the kissing in the rain, so sweet! Not cliche at all!
'kiss her and see what happens ;)' - I love that! :D
Great job!
12/8/2012 c1 32julliet15
Ooooh, I liked that! My heart swelled with happiness when I read the ending.
12/8/2012 c1 25BlazeStarkRogers
Oh my god so funny! Did the part where Ally confesed happen, or was that a dream?
Kiss her and see what happens, ah classic.
12/6/2012 c1 5HappyBeginnings3
Great job!
12/6/2012 c1 Ashlee
Besttt oneshot everrr!(: that ending though
12/6/2012 c1 83LoveShipper
Ohh Trish and Ally's secret code fooled me, though I kind of guessed who was who. I loved how crazy and the extreme Austin went to find out the girls' code.
12/6/2012 c1 Guest
i am so excited! i hope that austin and ally will kiss when the ball is dropping
12/6/2012 c1 Guest
meeee i can't wait too see the way good story
12/6/2012 c1 1nd4ff
Nice short. I guess I'm one of those not overly excited about the crossover episode. I'm not too much into Jesse and not sure what to expect re Auslly :)
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