Just In
for Fire and Ice

12/13/2012 c8 6blackbubbledancer
See now the beginning of that was just sad because it is unimaginably hard sitting beside someone you love whom your not sure is going to live. I actually found myself saying noooo wake up , wake up . However now that she is awake what is going to happen you so need to up date ASPA
12/12/2012 c6 blackbubbledancer
Awwww , I love the way he calls her little firefly and how tenderly he treats her . I'm also impressed with the way you captured Byakuya's frank , cold nature it's not an easy thing to do .
12/12/2012 c6 Destiny
This cliff hangers suck :-( As always I need more. Will they be torn apart or united?
12/11/2012 c4 blackbubbledancer
Dude , cliff hanger . Really . Still loving the fire Zanpakto even more so now it it's manifested state its really cool imagery . Also loving the fact your bringing other charters into the story as back ground or even just as accessory it helps to give it a little more depth.
12/11/2012 c3 blackbubbledancer
A fire zanpakato I like it . As well as Hitsugaya's slip in calling her by the nick name he secretly gave her - kudos to a great chapter
12/11/2012 c4 Destiny
I must have more! Please post some more chapter.

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