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for 03 All Creatures Great and Small

6/26/2023 c47 Volossya
This fic was so suspenseful! I’m impressed that you managed to do so much with the Arrival dlc. Excellent read!
5/2/2021 c47 2SuzysArt
Excellent writing and quite a twist to Shepard's 'escape' off of Omega. Didn't see that coming and reading the unexpected is so very very refreshing. The scene with Asura and Samara was so sweet. All the feels. I love reading about the nuance of each character's emotions and motivations, them being so distinct to each character. Great end to this book. You have impressed yet again!
4/19/2021 c47 1AJAX087
Love that you managed to finish this, it’s been one of my favorite stories to read. I was beyond happy when you picked it up again and saw it to its conclusion. Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading the next chapter in this series!
4/18/2021 c47 9BBadolato
I'm glad you've managed to go finish this story, and I can't wait to see your take on ME 3
4/18/2021 c47 jmeson75
This has been one of my favorite stories. You have an exceptional skill at storytelling and bringing us characters that we come to love or hate. Looking forward to seeing more of Abigail and others! And thank you for sharing this with us has been a treat during these stressful times in the world. :)
4/18/2021 c47 4magnusvictor
Huzzah, it's a wrap! ('till next time). Can't wait until the next story in the series, and congratulations once more on sticking through to see this one to the end!
4/17/2021 c47 evattude
Great chapter! Thanks for writing it
4/16/2021 c47 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Great ending chapter. Finally you get Abigail to where I have always felt she needed to get. the connection between Asura and Samara was a surprise but a very welcome one. Jack...well, you know I can't stand the canon character in the situations canon ME2 puts her, and struggled with your depiction as well. Still, I suspect this resolution isn't incredibly far from where she has to be in order to be ready for the far more comfortable depictions she gets in canon ME3. Thanks loads for all of your hard work on this over the last ... nine years, and for continuing to be the incredibly inspiring individual you are.I shall look forward to the interstitial piece and to your version of ME3.
4/16/2021 c45 2SuzysArt
I haven't had a chance to read this yet. But I wanted to let you know I saw the update. I will get to it as soon as I can 3
4/15/2021 c46 1AJAX087
Not gonna lie, wish that this had gone another direction but I get why it went the way it did. Gonna be interesting to see all the shattered trust issues that pop up because of this down the road but I’m looking forward to it nonetheless. Keep up the great work!
4/12/2021 c45 AJAX087
Awesome chapter, glad to see things moving along, again happy to see the direction this is taking, hope shep decides to stay out of alliance custody, keep up the great work!
4/11/2021 c45 3annjames
I love this story, thank you for update, can't wait for more of it soon
4/11/2021 c45 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Glad to see you workingf on this. Interesting chapter. Really strong twist which is great. Looking forward to future installments and to hearing from you via Email soon.
3/15/2021 c44 Evattude
Great chapter! Thanks for updating!
3/5/2021 c44 Aurelian
I want to thank you for continuing this story. I have actually read the whole series several times over the years, and it is my favorite ME fanfic. Your original characters have as much depth as any of those from the games, with real motivations and agendas.
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