Just In
for 03 All Creatures Great and Small

12/1/2013 c17 XRaiderV1
very well done sir.
11/24/2013 c16 58HK-Revan
Excellent story! I love each one you wrote, and continue to enjoy them over and over. I do wonder who exactly Abby is. I also enjoy how you don't have her know everything, just a few things and a few uncertainties. It would be a shame if this was her dying dream only for her to awaken and to realize that nothing has changed.

I also like the other justicar. Sounds like she hits on the AY scale a bit, creepily. That or she's just crazy.

I also love Asura. She's amazingly written, well fleshed out. All of your characters are well written and well rounded. Hopefully the NaNoWriMo will be over soon and you can get your editors back. Hell I'd love it even without editing. The content holds its own.
11/10/2013 c16 Dalish Elf
eager to see the next chapter!
11/1/2013 c16 bluemarlin
Wonderful chapter. Excellent writing on the Abby, Chakwas and Kelly scene. Please continue.
11/1/2013 c1 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
I like this chapter quite a bit more because you finally work through, or at least fully express, some of the sexuality vs relationship issues that Abigail and Asura are facing. The scene with Fora was also very powerful. Thanks for your hard work on this chapter, as always, I'll be looking forward to future installments.
10/13/2013 c15 1subsider34
Wow. That was a beautiful and wonderfully deep chapter. I look forward to seeing what develops from this turn of events.
10/7/2013 c15 Leser34
Amazing..what a good story!
10/6/2013 c15 12Atsirk Enoh
Awe, she was lonely.(in a way)
10/6/2013 c15 bluemarlin
Outstanding chapter. Good job writing the Chakwas/Jane scene. Looking forward to more.
10/6/2013 c15 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Well done chapter. I like the emotional tension you introduce here around Shepherd's mental health or lack thereof. Samara's engagement is also nicely set up. I look forward to the next installment and thank you for your hard work on this one.
10/6/2013 c15 14Kudara
Ohh sorry I haven't reviewed in awhile :( Just laziness and finally getting back to my own writing. So Samara is finally going back to Jane and just in the nick of time. It should be interesting to see what she makes of the dilemma that they will face in a few days time. How do you balance time against the deaths of 300,000 slaves and batarians? The choice is between horrible outcome and horrible outcome.

I"m also looking forward to Abby and Asura talking again, especially with the revelations both have had with the night apart.
9/27/2013 c14 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
I have trouble responding to some of these chapters because although I think your characters incredibly well done, I often find them ... limited in perspective. Here, it is Shepherd's unwillingness to even consider the destruction of the Badag system in order to give the rest of the Galaxy more time to prepare. Similar issues have arisen for me, as you know, with Amanda's character. That said as always your chapters are well written, your characters well detailed in their description and some of the twists-like Asura as a justicar-are really nicely done.
Thanks as always for your hard work on this chapter, I shall look forward to future installments.
9/27/2013 c14 Dalish Elf
Huge trouble ahead. can't you see Kenson is indoctrinated? A depressed Shepard the possibility of destroying the entire system and Samara w the code. This probably could break Jane down...
9/25/2013 c14 charlie
I liked what Asura is doing realising she needs something else(another interst/purpose than just Abby. Kenson is difficult to trust and then she is the one that seems to doubt so much regarding others. EDI as a reluctant comedian/therapist was an interesting development. Shamara's character and inner dialogue is endearing and begs the question: how much suffering makes the justicar and how much is required to remain one? Hope you update soon.
9/24/2013 c14 12Atsirk Enoh
Hope Jack is okay suddenly going along with Abby and Kelly.
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