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2/24/2021 c44 4magnusvictor
You know, I had gotten into this story years ago because I liked the characters of Asura and Abby, but your depiction of Jack is also really starting to grow on me. Great chapter!
2/23/2021 c44 1AJAX087
Great chapter, it would be awesome if it continued to go AU wink wink. Keep up the great work!
2/21/2021 c44 jmeson75
I was not expecting that! Great chapter!
2/21/2021 c44 2SuzysArt
I love that Grom has become the helpful ugly duckling following Abby around. Helping with chores and fetching tea for everyone. My brain still can't comprehend how Shep and Jack are going to get out of this one though. As long as the asshole who arrested Jane is involved it can't go smoothly.
2/21/2021 c43 SuzysArt
OMY goodness Jack no! What are you doing? Aaaaaah! *slaps forhead*
2/21/2021 c44 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Its always good to see you working on this. I like the twist of the chapter but do think that the tendency your Abigail has not to talk with anyone before making decisions that affect everyone in her little universe is something that would make a relationship with her difficult. No discussion about the Vorcha, the Varren, even the deal with Aria. I realize they are in an unusual relationship but in some ways this isn't acting like much of a relationship at the moment. Aside from this, I did very much like your Jack in this chapter and the explication of her pushing Shepard as she does at the beginning of the chapter makes a lot of sense. Thanks loads for your hard work on this, as always I look forward to future installments.
2/14/2021 c43 1AJAX087
Awesome chapter, love that jack is deciding fight and throw a monkey wrench in the plot, keep it up and I can’t wait for the next chapter!
2/13/2021 c43 4magnusvictor
Well, that was an unexpected escalation!
1/20/2021 c42 evattude
Great chapter!
1/20/2021 c42 jmeson75
Such an emotional and touching chapter. Thank you.
1/20/2021 c42 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Interesting chapter. Conversations really well handled across the board. I wonder if it would have been better to end it at the point where they struggle to get up. This almost feels like more of an ending point than where you chose to end things but that's just me. Thanks loads for your hard work on this, looking forward to the next installment whenever it arrives.
1/7/2021 c41 1AJAX087
Great chapter, keep it up!
1/6/2021 c41 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Great to see this chapter after a few extra lost days. I really like the interactions between Shepard and Morden here and the conversation with Samara at the end of the chapter is excellently done. Thanks loads for your hard work on this, looking forward to future installments.
1/6/2021 c41 2SuzysArt
Femshep x Samaraaaaaa 3 such tenderness. Their relationship took a long time to get there but it is beautiful
1/5/2021 c41 Leser34
I love this story so much. Thank u for it! Stay healthy!
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