Just In
for A slash and a broken arm

12/25/2013 c2 1I-Love-Trunks1
Aw, that was so cute.

I love this story so much!

Cant wait for more!
5/31/2013 c2 82Sycocat2
Very cute fic, and woah she reminds Soubi of his mom so tragically sweet. I look forward to reading more.
3/30/2013 c2 1sugar-ninja
Awww this story is so cute. I can wait to read more :)
1/6/2013 c1 megan
that was a beautiful story
1/1/2013 c2 145Dlbn
Aw so cute :3 the nurse reminds him of his mother, hm...? intriguing. I love it :3

1/1/2013 c2 63AZ1087653
Is this a foreshadow of things to come in your fic? :-D

I agree, no one wants to spend New Year's Eve alone. I spent it watching Doctor Who, but that's because I am an uber-nerd. At least Ritsuka and Soubi were able to spend that time together. Hopefully they go to a shrine as the clock ticks passed midnight. _
1/1/2013 c1 AZ1087653
What a great first chapter. So powerful and it strikes right in the heart. Risuka needs someone to 'save' him as much as Soubi does. Hopefully they can save one another.
1/1/2013 c2 7Lisle987
I think I exploded from cute. Nice work. XD
1/1/2013 c2 Ennu
I everyday take a look if you have made more capters to that story... Hope third chapter comes soon. Please Sorry abut my really bad english, i started reading english only 3 years ago...
1/1/2013 c2 promocat
i am so glad ristuk,a is away from his mother!
12/17/2012 c1 1strawberry and creme
12/14/2012 c1 promocat
i think ristuka will be fine with soubi having anoth er friend
12/12/2012 c1 X
Will there be a sequel to this?
12/12/2012 c1 Worldpuppyday
Both of them are sooooo cute! please write second chapter!
12/11/2012 c1 145Dlbn
Aw so cute. Poor Ritsuka D: But yay for Soubi being the one to save him. Hope Ritsuka's going to be okay, though. Psycho mother -snuggles Ritsuka-


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