7/3/2013 c1 Guest
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4/12/2013 c1 Guest
You have a goat?
You have a goat?
1/15/2013 c1
I really love the bit with the chair Good going Saph, teach Ruby a lesson! xD
I'd put a line to separate these off from one another if I were you ;)

I really love the bit with the chair Good going Saph, teach Ruby a lesson! xD
I'd put a line to separate these off from one another if I were you ;)
1/13/2013 c1
I find all of fluff great! I was practically smiling when Green confessed.

I find all of fluff great! I was practically smiling when Green confessed.
12/20/2012 c1 gn5evr
Oh, no you don't! That was funny and cute, especially with the Frantic. Good job
Oh, no you don't! That was funny and cute, especially with the Frantic. Good job