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for Just Tell Me You Love Me!

7/3/2013 c1 Guest
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4/12/2013 c1 Guest
You have a goat?
1/27/2013 c1 1Louricam
So cute!
1/15/2013 c1 46xxBurningxx
I really love the bit with the chair Good going Saph, teach Ruby a lesson! xD

I'd put a line to separate these off from one another if I were you ;)
1/13/2013 c1 13RuruPuppy2854
I find all of fluff great! I was practically smiling when Green confessed.
12/22/2012 c1 1articity
it won't get any flamers or trolls cus it's cute
12/20/2012 c1 gn5evr
Oh, no you don't! That was funny and cute, especially with the Frantic. Good job
12/16/2012 c1 2LoveGlutton
Dude dividers!

Still Fuckin Great though
12/16/2012 c1 1supersexyghotmew95
awwwwwwwwwwww ruby and sapph sittin in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g.

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