Just In
for Driving Lessons

10/29/2014 c1 Guest
Interesting. Odd. Why do you hate women?

9/19/2013 c1 Anon
Okay, more than a little silly (the hamster thing was cute though), and I can't believe that Beckett wouldn't know her left from her right, bu okay, we can let that go and keep going. One small issue though: I'm assuming the CVPI means Crown Victoria Police Interceptor? If so, that's hardly a small car (it's definitely full size) nor does it have a clutch (the police cars are automatics, not manuals). Sorry to be a car nerd, but those details are more than a little off.
9/17/2013 c3 Guest
perfectly amazing
9/17/2013 c2 Guest
You really do write them wonderfully
very funny too :D
9/17/2013 c1 Guest
Hehe I love it! Brilliantly written and very clever
5/13/2013 c3 10Mm.Mystery
This is really amusing, and definitely in character, not to mention well written. Two questions: Are they together? It didn't seem like it, but it's never specified. The second one is kind of embarrassing. What is the TD?
5/12/2013 c3 3APseudonimo
Why couldn't you tell us what TD was? Now I'm breaking my brain with it! Care to share on a PM? :D :D
Loved the chapter, worth the wait and the bugging :D
4/20/2013 c2 APseudonimo
Bahahaha, I loved it!
I love Castle, he's just amazing :D
1/4/2013 c2 31Dr. Zimmerman 101
lol :-)
1/4/2013 c2 5laurenrules334
This is awesome. This seems a lot more in character. I really love this story! Can't wait for more (:
1/4/2013 c2 Lily1725
It's kinda OOC but it's so funny I don't care about it. Keep writing!
1/4/2013 c1 Guest
LOL the hamster and the roundabout part had me laughing hard. Nice story
1/4/2013 c2 15thelovelyflorencelovett
Really cute story :)
1/4/2013 c1 randomind22
So delightfully cute!
12/17/2012 c1 5laurenrules334
Ha-Ha, this is hilarious, but a little bit out of character for Beckett... I honestly think she would know her left or right, but that is just me;) But really good writing.
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