Just In
for Singing in Harmony- or Out of Tune?

5/20/2017 c15 Liberty Cox
Please more romance in it and a lot of kissing and making love
12/22/2015 c15 mezquitenora1997
Plzzzz update
4/28/2015 c15 1fangirllover99
I just read this story and i loved it. Are you still writing a sequel? I need to find out what happens!
10/25/2013 c1 FleckedWings
Hey, it's me. I'd love to PM you, but my accounts decided to stop working... :(
I'll PM you as soon as it starts working again!
Chat soon
10/12/2013 c15 WEREWOLVES12
Type your review for this chapter here...
9/19/2013 c10 Guest
The narwhal bacons at midnight. :) search me up, I'm FleckedWings90900 on here
9/19/2013 c8 Guest
Spongebob is still amazing! Best program ever! And I'm 16. My mum says its too childish...
9/9/2013 c15 Strawwberryz
Good Job on the story! :D
9/9/2013 c13 Strawwberryz
Lol this should be fun :P
9/9/2013 c12 Strawwberryz
Poor Max :( And Fang :( But i don't like Alex cause he's a meanie!
9/9/2013 c11 Strawwberryz
Good job on the story :)
9/9/2013 c10 Strawwberryz
I love Paramore :) And i think funner should be a word.. don't you think?!
9/9/2013 c8 Strawwberryz
Okay. So i don't like Alex.. and since when does Max apologize?! Lol
9/9/2013 c7 Strawwberryz
I don't know why, but i don't like Alex.. something weird with him..
9/9/2013 c6 Strawwberryz
I laughed so many times! Lol thanks cause you just literally made my day.. it's like 6:00am here 'cause i got to go to school.. :P
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