Just In
for A birthday present with long, blond hair

11/7/2016 c1 5the hatters alice
aww ok I have to say this is so cute
12/25/2013 c1 1I-Love-Trunks1
Aw, that was so cute and adorable.

I loved this story so much!
11/3/2013 c1 82Sycocat2
I love this story! I couldn't stop smiling all throughout reading it. This does sound like the perfect birthday for Ritsuka, Soubi did a great job.
1/23/2013 c1 61049286
KYAAAA! ah... I feel faint *dies from fluff*
12/29/2012 c1 63AZ1087653
This was so cute! I am glad the world didn't end though, that would have not been cool.

That aside, Ritsuka is lucky to have had someone with such heart write this piece. I am glad to have had an opportunity to read it. Soubi is so cute, never thinking of himself. I totally want a brother like him. :-)
12/20/2012 c1 145Dlbn
Awww how cuuuute! :D Ritsuka and Soubi in the ferris whell made me fangirl squeal Happy birthday, Ritsuka-kun!
12/20/2012 c1 promocat
so sweet!both need more love

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