Just In
for Trust Me

3/17/2018 c1 1ElejahAlwaysNForever
I love it. Can u make it a story pls?
6/4/2017 c1 Guest
Loved it.
2/24/2014 c1 2Angels-heart1
Sweet, loved it.
2/8/2014 c1 1Ash-Bookworm113
I had the same thoughts! I always hate Caroline having to distract Klaus. ...they are meant to be :)
11/14/2013 c1 NoPenName2015
Oh my gosh, this is so good! I wish we more scenes between them again. (
4/13/2013 c1 vampiremovielove
i loved it was really great yes i wished that caroline had intervened to or at least begged klaus for forgivness after telling stefan that she felt guilty she could of stoped it or compleately provented it..
1/21/2013 c1 2little miss michelle
I love how protective he is! Would love to read more
1/19/2013 c1 ghlover8907
Im with you I wish Caroline had done something completly different than she did. I did like her and Stefan's comments together but I feel just to late... This your o/s happening wouldve been great but to good to be true for TVD
1/16/2013 c1 3Lisa Morningstar
I'm with evil framboos on this one.
The is perfect:P

I was reading and going like ''exacly...'' i had the same feelings about the episode too btw,. Thank you for making it a bit better with the fic:P
1/16/2013 c1 18Diabolo Framboise
I wish it would have happened like this!
1/6/2013 c1 1parisdamour
I know, i can't believe she would have let them basically kill Klaus again :( i wish she had done something like what she does in your one shot; that would have been so sweet!
12/26/2012 c1 anchoredlove
Great one-shot! I think that all Klaroline fans are on the same page! I wish that Caroline would have intervened and told Klaus what Tyler's plans were and I was smiling like crazy because I loved that Klaus went crazy psycho killer on his hybrids!
12/25/2012 c1 Guest
Please write another chapter
12/24/2012 c1 35xXxWolvesInTheNightxXx
I really enjoyed this! :)
12/22/2012 c1 mimi6555
I like the idea behind this! :)
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