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for Wish Upon a Time

7/3/2016 c1 Guest
No jacks sisters name is not pippa jamies friend with red hair wearing a white cap is you don't believe me go check it on people make that assumption because the actor who did pippas voice is the actor who did jacks sisters voice.
2/8/2016 c1 8PeterPanfan13
Awesome story! I absolutely loved it! Thanks for the story and he warm feeling!
11/29/2015 c1 2Irina Hunter
So, the surprise is that Jamie's Pippa's descendant?
8/31/2015 c1 10sasukexnaruxsakura
I love this story
1/7/2014 c1 754867
...Jacks sister isn't actually named Pippa (that we know of), but his sister and Jamie's friend Pippa have the same voice actor. Common fanfiction names for her include Mary, Emma, Elizabeth, ect.

PS. Not trying to be rude, just thought you should know. (: Great story:)
11/6/2013 c1 mysticmoon1331
so fantastic! thanks so much for this! .
7/16/2013 c1 49DarkHorseBlueSky
Interesting concept.
6/15/2013 c1 5LOTRcool
Knew it! It was PIPPA, anyway good story :D
5/26/2013 c1 maddie
hey tooth I saw jack first!
3/22/2013 c1 mercury
Sweet! Thanks!
2/4/2013 c1 Anonymous
This oneshot was truly amazing. It left me in tears. Truly beautiful and breath-taking. I loved all the way. It was by far the best oneshot i've ever read. Simply amazing3
1/27/2013 c1 2Sheeptopus
This story is just so perfect it defies description. Thank you for writing it! I've always wanted to find a fic where Pippa sees Jack that manages to circumvent Jamie being his first ever believer and Jack having no memory at that point in time. And it's here and it's flawless! So. Amazing. And what you did with Jamie was just the icing on the cake! You have managed to improve my very life by writing this. It's really that good! Thank you so much!
1/17/2013 c1 7Iridescent Snowflake
That's a beautiful story. The time Jack spent with Pippa is really short, and the fact that Jack won't remember Pippa again until 3 centuries later is kind of tragic. It's so touching. 5 stars! :DD
1/9/2013 c1 imadj
Wow! Awesome story!
Liked it a lot! :)
1/6/2013 c1 1thehunterwholived
Ah well, I use the name Danielle, or Danny for short. Don't know why, but considering they came from the 1700s, I doubt there were menu people with modern names...
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