Just In
for Never Say Never

6/4/2013 c4 VVine
I like this one :) great way to share different thoughts and events. Looking forward to more but hoping you don't spend too much time frustrated either! Thank you for sharing!
3/15/2013 c4 remeyqueen74
please update i need to know what happens
2/2/2013 c4 Tiggy318
Great story so far!
2/2/2013 c4 masterb2
To bad they never got their someday.
2/2/2013 c3 masterb2
I love how you made smut romantic. It is really a challenge to make smut less erotica and more a plot tool.
2/2/2013 c4 Barb4psu
Love his POv
2/2/2013 c3 Barb4psu
Love it HOT
2/2/2013 c3 margaret aka whymelucylu
2/2/2013 c4 margaret aka whymelucylu
stupid stupid man
2/1/2013 c3 sbabe
Loved very sexy and hot.
2/1/2013 c3 4WishingIwasLester'sGirl
I hope you never run out of
1/24/2013 c2 rangerbabe.1
A good follow up chapter. Well done
1/24/2013 c2 bgrgrmpy
1/24/2013 c1 bgrgrmpy
yay. he's done. yay he's going for Steph. Yay someday!
1/24/2013 c2 Barb4psu
Great update. Love her POV. More?
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