Just In
for Savant

1/29/2014 c2 5AgeOfDarkness413
Ewwwwie James, whadda hell Dx what are you doing here, go back to that kid asylum where you belong D

Psh, sherlocks interview made me laught for at least three minutes xD I mean, seriously, I just love listening to him argue about the strangest things and quirks that are obviously not seen by the untrained eye and whatnot xD brilliant job so far, I can't wait fer more!
1/15/2013 c2 87MapleleafCameo
I do believe I am quite enjoying this as well - love the Sherlock interview with Jennifer Wilson - saying all the things you wish I other interviewees would say:)
12/22/2012 c1 55SailorChibi
Interesting. I was hoping someone would fill this. I'm curious to see the direction you take it in.

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