Just In
for Children of Time and Space

10/10/2021 c15 WatcherOfStories
Please, would you reconsider continu writing this? I really love this take on the Doctor.
I just love his family (his mum and walker).
I guess that next comes Jenny. Would she be Walker and the Doctor's daughter? And could she please be saved and travel with either Walker & Doctor or Grandma? After all, alone is alone. She deserves to be around her kind too.
3/25/2020 c15 Guest
Please skip the Library and Midnight, after all, you've already added a few episodes that weren't exactly canon. So, stay out of canon and continue with Turn Left and Stolen Earth. And please include Jenny as daughter of Walker en the Doctor.
I'm so waiting for Rose's reaction on seeing 3 time lords, oh and please include the Professor too. Some no nonsense attitude is needed on Stolen Earth.
Please continue with this story, please, please!
9/1/2019 c15 Guest
Great story! Please continue with this, I love it!
Now they're on their way to Messaline? I do hope they wait long enough to see Jenny wake up from her "coma" and take her with them on their travels. She does need guidance as a young Gallifreyan.
8/11/2018 c15 25PhoenixWytch
I’ve finally caught up on all the adventures in this brilliant fic! I’m so happy that you are still writing this. Having the Professor and Donna join up for the Sontaran arc was fantastic to read, though it was the Professor and the Brigadier that has me fan girl squealing. Then there’s the fact that you kept Ross Jenkins alive and now traveling with the Professor. I love it all! Thank you so very, very much for written this amazing gem and sharing it with us all. I look forward to read more of your wonderful words.
7/12/2018 c15 Guest
How have I just found this marvellous story? Whenever you’re ready to return to it, I’ll be waiting! I’m in love with how you made Martha a Time Lady in this fic, the usual way it’s done is combination of Lazarus/Reset and the infamous ‘genetic transfer’. I’m glad you came up with an original way to do it. I’m in love with The Professor, of only 10 had his mother around to whip him into shape on the real show. Excellent writing and a brilliant retelling of canon events.

Much love,


PS it’s nice to see there are still some 10/Martha shippers holding on x
1/30/2018 c15 dizzy78
10/16/2017 c15 2AurumSerenity
Wonderful chapter as usual. As for the library, you could always make River a future Walker or Professor regeneration.
10/10/2017 c15 Moonbayb
I was excited to see a new chapterhope you fly through the rest of the season so we do not have to wait too long. I love The Professor, the whole Time Lord back story, am in awe of your storytellingimagination. I am sure you will find a way to write a River Library story, but I am torn as I like both MarthaRiver.
10/5/2017 c15 Guest
Ooooo I like this a lot!
10/5/2017 c15 XRaiderV1
ah its so nice to see another of my old favorites still going strong. well done.
10/5/2017 c15 1Yoru no Nx
Libraries kinda difficult to chamge. Mmmmmmaybe River isn’t is wife but a long term companion? Or maybe some fixture of the universe that the doctor and walker are always chasing? River’s really important so she-imo- shouldn’t be written out. Maybe the professor finds a way to stop you know what from happening? And unless i missed it the doctor didnt and isnt going to regenerate to 11 so that means he isnt going to meet amy soo. Mmmmm idk. You might have to go full on cannon divergence from here on. Idk. Lovely chapter though. I love me some Donna Noble. Second fav companion after Martha.
7/27/2017 c14 8Fanfickisara
This is a very well-done story. The characterization is great, the Time Lord lore is amazing, and I just love The Professor. I'm hard pressed to find a "favorite part" in this story because everything is so amazing to read. Great job!
6/21/2017 c13 7Akoth
Interesting story but really hate Martha's name, "The Walker," seriously? Now nightingale like Jack calls her is more beautiful and poetic but hey that's just me.
6/11/2017 c13 10sadhappygirl
I am so loving your take on the Whoverse if it was a show I would watch the hell out of it!
6/6/2017 c13 XRaiderV1
I still enjoy this fic..well written.
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