Just In
for Twins: A Different Life

1/11 c1 1SkyEmpire1
I love tgis story and hope that you are going to finish it soon as i really want to read more of it
12/30/2024 c1 Konner.the.pan-tran
I beg of you to finish this, I’ve read this an ungodly amount of times hoping for it to be updated! It’s one of my favorite fanfics I’ve ever read!
12/20/2024 c34 sabriaptx4869
Hola. Vas a terminar el fic?
12/17/2024 c34 Magic29
So good love it hope you continue to write the story
12/4/2024 c34 SpeedyGlz
Hello, very entertaining fanfic, I was wondering if you are done with it or if there is still a chance for you to finish it. All stories I have read so far got dropped before DoubleDumb is confronted with the truth of the BWL...
12/3/2024 c32 Proxygalaxy2.0
Hello, This is Fiction Life,
May I share your Harry Potter story on YouTube with an audience that prefers listening over reading?

Channel link: FictionLife-zl3oc

I will give proper credit in the description of your story and also share the video link under your story comment for your view. We highly respect authors and their copyright.

This is a better way to spread your story to a larger audience. Not only will you gain more hits on your work, but I will also benefit from increased exposure through my channel (monetized).

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your wishes.

I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

I have received a rating from ‘Project Copy Knight’ — check the link to see our rating: . / FictionLife-zl3oc.
Thank you!
12/3/2024 c34 1evfangirl98
Love it
12/1/2024 c1 Guest
I love this story and really hope you will finish it!
11/22/2024 c34 ShadowRain89
I love this story. And I adore the way you write I hope you come back with an update hope life is treating you well.
11/10/2024 c34 Guest
Amazing Peak fic, just wish you came for more chapters
11/8/2024 c34 NoVAaaa
I mean , pure beauty this fic is , just hope for new updates when you get time . love the fanfic <3
11/4/2024 c33 Abeorohm
Really good can not wait until the next chapter
11/3/2024 c29 4Leapyearbaby29
I need the truth scout Harry being the real baby who lived to come out.
11/3/2024 c26 Leapyearbaby29
I’m glad Harry and Lily talked.
11/3/2024 c21 Leapyearbaby29
Oh thank god. Lily’s okay. She used the necklace port key.
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