Just In
for Beckett!

1/21/2015 c1 Guest
очень мило,напишите продолжение,обожаю как вы пишите про детство беккет
7/13/2013 c1 Izzy
Go Brits! Good stuff by the way.
7/8/2013 c13 Christy811
7/8/2013 c13 TheSlavicShadow
I love it(:
It's so cute(:
I loved how you put in the thing with the not wanting a night light(:
Amazing. I loved it. I do always :)
7/8/2013 c13 kat
Love them all ! Get writing :)
7/8/2013 c13 Detectiveben
Great father-Daughter bonding moments love this story keep up the good work and keep it coming
7/8/2013 c13 Lori Gale
just so sweet!
6/30/2013 c12 3APseudonimo
And so a legend on hills was born :D
6/24/2013 c11 Detectiveben
Katie seems to be a handful, that definitely keeps her parents on their toes. please continue
6/24/2013 c11 Guest
6/24/2013 c11 TheSlavicShadow
Aww..That chapter was insanely cute and fun.
And here's your quote:
"That reminds me of the lego I got stuck up my nose when I was six." (Happens when Castle holds on to that damn alien theory and shows Beckett the implant that the aliens put in your nose. Yeah right.) and the best part: Castle's like: You what? :D
So fun. Well either way I loved that chapter. :)
Looking forward to the next(:
6/24/2013 c11 Guest
Ahh cute !
I know the quote in French but I don't remember it in English ! But i know that she was 6 when she put a Lego in her nose ! :)
6/24/2013 c11 APseudonimo
Kid-Kate is seriously too cute :D
And I know the quote :P I googled it :D
6/24/2013 c11 20Castlelover94
Haha that was brilant
6/2/2013 c10 TheSlavicShadow
I really, really like your idea.:)
It is genius. Oh and btw, I would love to see some wild child Kate..:D (suggestions..mhmh..maybe you could I don't know write how she got the idea of wanting a motorcycle or something like that?..:b )
Well..can't wait for the next chapter;)
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