Just In
for The Lost Legion (rewriten continued)

9/11/2018 c2 shinoa44
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! have you not updated since 4 yr.s ago
11/13/2015 c2 silvertiara26
pls do more!
4/21/2015 c2 Wolf154657
Is this over
12/8/2014 c2 14Average Canadian
Wow great writing :)
are you going to continue this?
1/1/2014 c2 1TheFanaticFangodess
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE write more! I need to know what happens next, this story has so much potential and (don't tell anyone but I fangirled so hard over this)
10/14/2013 c2 hinataholo165
i hope to read more of the story
6/6/2013 c2 6Robomerc
will the 4 gods a 4 goddess see their godly pairnets again.
6/5/2013 c2 rider-84
Please continue the story. This is a great plot that hasn't been tried before. Keep up the good work.
5/28/2013 c2 1Chrysonite
4/19/2013 c2 trio-of-friends
Wow! This is amazing! Update!
4/19/2013 c2 5SkullznRosez
Yes finally some whom I HOPE will really update this story I love this one can't wait for the next update you made me a very happy person tonight
4/19/2013 c2 Son-of-Chronos88
you don't know how long I've been waiting for this! I can't wait for you to update again!
1/7/2013 c1 applefan
finally is the rewrite out!
i waited for it please update
1/7/2013 c1 SkullznRosez
I like it update when you can

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