Just In
for Where Nightmares Come True

2/8/2013 c9 kitkat
I'm excited for the next chapter, but don't worry about the wait, I haven't even been on ff for a while (term paper I just handed in today, whew)! I agree about the length of the seasons of Sherlock though, I wish there were more!
1/26/2013 c8 kitkat
Now I'm excited for the awesomeness of the next chapter! I've been watching Sherlock all day; I think I'm addicted! (Not as addicted as I am to Merlin though!) See you soon!
1/26/2013 c8 1CarolinaEirasSa
Nice chapter :)
Although I can't see Morgana simply letting go most of her hatred so easily...
1/25/2013 c8 chele the original
I am amazed they haven't skewered each other yet.o]
1/23/2013 c7 chele the original
Merlin happy and cheerful voice. Dragoon, crotchety surly voice.
Good yet confusing chapter.
1/23/2013 c7 Glacier22
I enjoy the chapter title. It is very ironic considering the supposed issues they are having.
1/23/2013 c7 kitkat
:) I love humor... It makes me laugh;) no one else seems to get mine though, my family thinks I crazy when I start laughing at something that isn't remotely funny to them! You are right, I'm confused... but it's a good hmm-what-is-up-with-the-two-Emrys's-and-Farell-confused, not a what-is-going-on confused! Did you hear Colin Morgan won the NTA?! I'm so excited!
1/18/2013 c6 kitkat
"Lands' sakes, boy, do you always talk this much?! Hush and let me think!"

I love it! The humor you put in is great- I never fail to laugh! I'd love to see Iseldir's face with two Emrys's...
1/16/2013 c5 chele the original
the monsters get stranger and stranger around Camelot.
1/16/2013 c5 47carinims01
Yay! Great chappie!
1/16/2013 c5 kitkat
I like other knights ride out them to look for Merlin, Gwaines line especially! I can't wait for the next chapter!
1/16/2013 c5 Gryffindormerlin
oooo, getting intense! update soon! :)
1/15/2013 c4 Guest
i'm Confused as to who is mad Merlin , me or you lol plz go on
1/14/2013 c4 chele the original
Even when he isn't being cryptic Kilgharrah still is not helpful.o]
1/14/2013 c4 kitkat
hmmm... very mysterious. I guess I'll have to wait and see! Another great chapter, can't wait for the next one!
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