Just In
for Where Nightmares Come True

1/14/2013 c4 L
I think the Dolma needs to be added also!
1/14/2013 c4 28Ocean Mint Leaves
Oohh ominous! And back in Camelot Arthur is probably a wreck. ;)
1/14/2013 c4 Glacier22
Poor merlins life rarely makes sense.
1/12/2013 c3 chele the original
Wait, why doesn't Dragoon remember Merlin? -good question, good update.o]
1/12/2013 c3 mwc288
more please?
1/11/2013 c3 kitkat
Interesting... Perhaps from the future with memory loss? idk I can't wait to see where you're going with this! I like to see worried!Arthur and knights for Merlin! Please update soon!
1/11/2013 c3 Ocean Mint Leaves
This is getting really interesting! I can't think of one reason why Dragoon wouldn't recognize himself...or why he's there for the matter. Can't wait to see what you have under your sleeve!
1/11/2013 c3 Glacier22
I am not sure this makes any more sense than before.
1/9/2013 c2 chele the original
time traveling? Going mad? Poor Merlin,if it's really you, you've probably given yourself a heart attack..
1/9/2013 c1 chele the original
oh what a beautiful shit...Now what?
1/9/2013 c2 11That-is-illogical
That's a plot twist and a half right there
I must know more
1/9/2013 c2 mwc288
"Merlin's been kidnapped!" Arthur cried, skidding to a halt in front of the two men. They both started at the news, and Gaius grabbed the nearest chair and sank into it.

"Who?" was all he could say.

Arthur tried not to sound accusing as he pronounced the name: "Dragoon the Great."

Both knights waited as Gaius took this in. A flurry of emotions flashed across his face: confusion, disbelief, fear, and then confusion again.

"I'm sorry?" he said, frowning. "Could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you correctly."

that is awesome. :) and now i can't wait to know why merlin kidnapped merlin. if it was merlin. either merlin. oh the theories abound! looking forward to the next chapter!
1/9/2013 c2 kitkat
I can't wait to see how Gaius will act when he realizes Merlin's been kidnapped by himself... I'm interested to see who the imposter is! I love how you made Arthur so concerned, and I hope the knights stay in! Will this be a a reveal fic? Please update quickly!
1/9/2013 c2 49CaptainOzone
AGGGGH! This is fantastic! The irony of it all is not only hilarious and fun but also really, really intriguing. I really cannot wait to see where this goes.
1/9/2013 c2 Guest
Poor merlin must be so very confused.
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