Just In
for Uchiha Heiress Remix

11/21/2024 c4 Sahamosveb
Unfortunately, because the author was too lazy to write the characters' thoughts and direct speech differently, it's completely unreadable. The author writes both thoughts and direct speech exactly the sameI think" and "I say"
10/3/2024 c2 Guest
I’m rereading right now and there’s one thing that’s bothering me. Why is the Nine Tails attracted to humans? Like, I get that he isn’t technically a fox, but he still chooses to look like a fox. So why ain’t he attracted to vixens? (Or other foxes, make him gay for all I care.) I still love th pairing though. Love the interactions between them and th pairing.
10/2/2024 c50 Jhatsaky
authors...chapter 51 cannot be does not see if you can review it?
9/3/2024 c65 arata7kasuga
If Naruto actually struggles with Mizuki I might be out. Please, please stop nerfing him and keeping him weak as fck.
9/3/2024 c64 arata7kasuga
Haku is apparently weak.
9/3/2024 c61 arata7kasuga
Naruto and the girls still are too weak... As is Jiraiya.
9/3/2024 c60 arata7kasuga
This whole mutated shinobi thing...anyways, can we kill Sakura soon? Honestly. She is somehow even more annoying than she is in canon and like a cockroach she just always seems to survive. It's Sakura. She shouldn't be an end game boss type character. It was an honestly interesting twist having her become the villain and get stronger, that was pretty wicked to begin with, but at the end of the day, unhinged or not, curse mark or not, she is STILL just Sakura.
9/3/2024 c59 arata7kasuga
Jiraiya could have handled that way better. Also, I am glad they realize they need to up their training going forward. They really shouldn't have strugged against the Sound ninja. Canon it made sense, here, they should be far stronger and very much ahead of where they were. Hopefully going forward they will actually be more skilled and more able to handle their opponents and adapt.
9/3/2024 c58 arata7kasuga
So when will the trio actually be badass?
9/3/2024 c57 arata7kasuga
So if that is just half of the mind of Kurama, why can't our Kurama just stop him from taking control of their chakra? That makes zero sense. Kurama being free and in control of his chakra should be able to overpower a sealed part of himself. Weird plot device for the sake of angst.
9/3/2024 c56 arata7kasuga
Of course Sakura gets away. Satsuki just couldn't defeat her I guess...when will she not be nerfed to be barely on the same level of Sakura of all people? Ffs.
9/3/2024 c55 arata7kasuga
Sakura should not be able to stand toe to toe with Satsuki.
9/3/2024 c54 arata7kasuga
Two Jinchuuriki and a gate user struggling against one ninja? At least they won in the end, even if it should have ended far, far sooner. Poor Kiba. Also, badass Hinata, though again, that fight should also have ended far sooner.
9/3/2024 c53 arata7kasuga
Honestly, at this point I am just skimming over the fights. They really are dragging on. Can we stop nerfing our trio?
9/3/2024 c52 arata7kasuga
Honestly, this Naruto should smash Kimimaro. And Hinata alone should be able to deal with Kidomaru. This 'dark entity' influencing them is dragging on. Kinda odd if it is the Juubi because it is still split into different bijuus. And Kaguya is on the moon or something still. Meh, they should just deal with whatever it is soon so it stops popping up at random times.
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