Just In
for A Happy Song

7/18/2014 c1 20Pheonix09
Awww cute end, that was awesome and excellent, I loved it and nice job
4/11/2013 c1 85Kal-El Fornia
"Of course, Kid."

It's a simple enough statement, it's only three words, but I feel that it honestly does a good job in summing up the relationship that these two brothers have with each other. In the Digimon fandom a lot of times things such as family or the such is put aside for romance instead. There's nothing wrong with that, but its such a warm feeling that I get whenever I read a story about family. It would honestly be nice to see more like this. Ill keep an eye out for you.
2/9/2013 c1 41chromate
pretty nice story on their brotherhood. I like that u did not reveal everything as to what happened to TK in Kyoto, but the emotional exchange between him and Matt makes the whole story very pleasant to read. Good work!
1/12/2013 c1 19Sweet Cari
Amazing job writing in Matt's POV as well as his relationship with T.K.! I enjoyed each bit of it!
1/12/2013 c1 canuck72
Good work friend, I enjoyed the story very much!
1/12/2013 c1 LILFOC
This is sweet! I love the TK and Matt interaction

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