Just In
for You Don't Belong In a Fruits Basket

3/2/2013 c8 6CDMatrix
She was afraid that she would be made fun of
3/2/2013 c7 CDMatrix
Well, Haru hugged tohru causing him to turn into an ox, so actually both tohru and Haru took him home and Kyo stayed at school
3/2/2013 c6 CDMatrix
um... Ayame is another person.
3/2/2013 c9 Fruba fan
I saw the description for this a few times but never clicked to read the story, but today I was like "eh why not" and clicked on it. I AM SO HAPPY I DID! Like I don't know why but this story it's interesting and I like it! Please continue it!
3/1/2013 c2 CDMatrix
female in manga
male in anime
3/1/2013 c1 CDMatrix
Okay so at first I thought that this and the OC would be stupid... But never judge a book by it's cover! This is very good!
3/1/2013 c9 Unicornnnn
awesome job but one queston where the questions that makes it easier to review cuz i no what to write about?
3/1/2013 c9 brokenanglewings
Hope you feel better and hope you do good on your test. Happy early birthday. This was a great chapter,I won't mind that it will take you a while to update.I'll wait.

Get better soon.
2/24/2013 c8 1cupcakekitty0415
:o keep updating!
2/24/2013 c8 3Sparklefaith
Because she was scared everyone would hate her just like the kids at school. Then Tohru, Haru, Yuki, Hiro, should her that she was loved. Author; Get well soon, thanks for the enjoyment and keep up the good work! Sorry about the late review, busy. Author' sister; Did she really talk about me for a week?
2/24/2013 c8 Jeff The Killer - Go to sleep
I love it. Please continue.
2/24/2013 c8 Nazylen2010
love it post more soon.

Its not that Kisa couldn't talk but that she had locked her words away because her classmates were picking on her.
2/23/2013 c8 13blackmistress
wasent it because she was being bulied by the kids in her class/school for the color of her hair & eyes?
2/23/2013 c8 nightwing4ever
Kisa couldn't talk because she was getting bullied and laughed at whenever she talked out loud. Is me right?
2/23/2013 c8 KraizzyDaizzy
Kisa would not talk because she was traumatized by the bullying she went through at school. It started with them making fun of how she looks, since she has a strange hair color, thanks to zodiac, and it eventually progressed to the point that they laughed at her whenever she spoke. Because of that, she did not have the self confidence to talk anymore, and she locked away her words.
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