Just In
for You Don't Belong In a Fruits Basket

5/11/2013 c18 11FicsFromAnAnbuNin
I wish my comment had been on time. I understand if you don't count my answer because technically I could have just looked at the answer. I hope you update the story soon and I hope Roku, Yuki, and Kyo beat the crap out of whoever is calling Tohru.
5/11/2013 c17 FicsFromAnAnbuNin
I think there may be a conspiracy( dun dun dun) but I could be wrong. I think the trio question is Hatori, Shigure, and Ayame.
5/11/2013 c18 XStarRougeX
Waaaaa... I'm to lazy to draw for the contest :( I promised my friend I would draw her a picture for her for her Birthday :(
Skin color? Phht, they can go to the deepest bit of hell, I bet they had an expensive phone!
THAT'S WHAT YOU GET IF YOU SPEND LOTS OF MONEY ON A DARN PHONE!... My current one was only like £25 xD I bet those people are spoiled! *Flings fist up into the air* IF I SEE THEM THEY WILL FACE MY SHY WRATH! [ Always look out for shy people, I seem Innocent but, all my friends that I talk to know that I can be a, Evil Ninga that could repel every pun that comes at me when I feel like it ;) ]
Update soon :) I may like... okay... LOVE drawing but best-est friends come before competitions!
5/11/2013 c18 7the sakura trees
Just wondering: Have others put their drawibgs up too? I'd rrally like to see them.
5/10/2013 c18 I 3 Kyo Sohma
You posted late... you forgot to ask a question... BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE YOU WERE LISTENING TO DEPRESSING MUSIC! ((I do the same thing)) AND THOSE BULLIES BETTER GO- *is cut off by my best friend putting me in a headlock with her hand over my mouth* (I'm sorry. She gets a little crazy sometimes, especially when it involves bullying. She knows what it feels like. And if I didn't cover her mouth there would have been lots of cussing and violence... so, yeah. You're welcome.) *gets her hand off my mouth* GOOD CHAPTER! BYE! EPIC OUTRO IS EPIC OUTRO!
5/6/2013 c17 1midnight rose112358
Love your story. Story the answer is Shigure, Hatori, And Ayame. Speaking if which, when will beware beware on the story? Update soon please
5/3/2013 c17 Awesome-in-person
Can't wait till next chapter! This story is my favorite
5/2/2013 c11 XxX
Love ur story sssooooooooooo much pwease keep writing
5/1/2013 c3 Guest
by any chance would 'he' be Akito?
i just started reading this and it looks really good and intresting!
keep it up;)!
4/28/2013 c17 Guest
I seriously LOVE this story :) and he trio is ayame, hatori, and shigure! I would draw a picture but is it just me or was there not really a description of him? Or was I being lazy again... OH WELL :3
4/28/2013 c17 5anonymusblader123
love the story!
answer to question: The madubachi trio is Ayame, Shigure, and Hatori
4/27/2013 c17 2MangaGirl2303
This story was amazing I was in tears so many frikan times! Wheras at other times I was falling over either laughing and yelling "Kawai", "Too Cute!" or rolling around on the bed yelling unintelligible things related to how cute it is! I would enter your contest and it is very VERY tempting, but alas, I cannot draw.
-theatrically faints-
4/27/2013 c16 MangaGirl2303
Yes! Join me my fellow human hater! Also KISHINS ARE SOUL EATER NOT FRUIT BASKET SO DON"T CROSS IT!
-hides- "Pwease" (in cutest voice)
Humans suck. . .-poutes-
4/27/2013 c17 Abby
Shigure Hatori and Ayame
4/27/2013 c12 MangaGirl2303
I watched the whole soul eater series in one day. Ahh, I love this story. Not as much as I love Soul Eater, but almost which is a lot!
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