Just In
for All hell breaks loose chapter 1

2/24/2013 c3 22Angellufy
Wow! Pretty intense chapter! Spike is back, Gunn will align himself with W&H. Justine ... a slayer?

Too many past enemies together.
2/24/2013 c2 Angellufy
So, Connor and Dawn huh? That is a couple I do like. I am just curious to know where Angel is since the slayer army came to rescue.
2/22/2013 c6 Smootsmokey
Nice story continue
2/22/2013 c6 58Starway Man
Some interesting developments here, and thanks again for the tribute :) Angelus seems to be pretty in-character, and Spike seems to have forgotten all his positive emotions in his desire to be the Big Bad again! It was cool seeing Ghost!Cordelia, and I look forward to the upcoming battle scenes! Especially if Connor and Dawn becomes vampires...
2/19/2013 c5 Smootsmokey
2/18/2013 c5 Starway Man
Wow, thanks again for the plug. Hmm, separating Angel from Angelus; it's been done, but usually during high school, so this scenario should be more interesting under these circumstances. And Cordelia not liking what's going on, that's not surprising! Hope we see more soon.
2/15/2013 c4 Starway Man
Hey, cool chapter. Spike seems pretty badass, as does Gunn, and the fight scene was okay. Seeing Xander in Africa was unexpected too. Looking forward to what happens next.
2/9/2013 c3 38Cari7
I think you may have more... :)
The story is very good. I would work on conventions and the "voice" of some of the characters: Do they "sound" right?
Spike is very good by the way.
2/9/2013 c1 Cari7
A good beginning. Your conventions (punctuation and spelling) need some editing but that can be caught by a good beta reader. Keep going!
2/8/2013 c3 58Starway Man
Nice chapter, and thanks for the plug. I kinda liked the way you portrayed Justine, thinking her powers had come from God. :) And Spike came back not wanting to find Buffy at once? You need to explain that, I'd say. I hope there's more soon!
2/6/2013 c2 Starway Man
Some good fight scenes, a nasty break-up between Willow and Kennedy, and it's odd - but in the conversation between Giles and Andrew, you almost get the feeling Andrew doesn't know who Spike is? Then again, he could just be doing the overdramatic nerd thing he does! More soon, please.
1/27/2013 c1 22Angellufy
interesting. I'll be waiting to know more.
1/18/2013 c1 58Starway Man
Nice start, there are a few problems with grammar and punctuation but it's begun pretty well. I hope we see the Sunnydale gang soon!
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