Just In
for Save Me From Hell

12/2/2019 c16 KittyLover2619
Please update the story! ️️
3/25/2018 c1 Guest
Too much telling
12/10/2015 c16 Guest
please update!
2/25/2015 c16 23LittleMonkeyDog
That really was the best gift ever! Amazing!
1/22/2015 c15 Guest
liked the chapter a was so fun to read until they saw chad, I knew it would happen anyway haha.
1/16/2015 c14 TheLoganTrain
the story‼️Yes they're finally together‼️‼️
Can't hardly wait 4 more! Congrats on UR CARLOS FOLLOW‼️
1/16/2015 c14 5Tigers257
Yay they're finally together
1/15/2015 c14 spookje10
Finally! It was perfect!
1/14/2015 c14 DuckieLuver
Yes! Finally! ! Gah! that was so perfect! Loved it! !
1/14/2015 c14 Guest
ahhh finally!
1/9/2015 c13 Guest
glad u updated, really love this story, and the chapter was good;cant wait for more
1/9/2015 c13 DuckieLuver
Carlos- you better not mess this up! Logan needs love and I need Logan to be loved! Ah! So excited to see this updated!
1/8/2015 c13 Guest
Oh my glob carlos is pregnant

1/6/2015 c12 Guest
The reviews aren't coming in because you haven't updated in a while try not to have like one month intervals because people will get bored and lose interest because they got tyred of waiting for the next part
12/23/2014 c12 Guest
Yas gaga YAS update is great update is good
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