Just In
for A Painter's Desire

10/28/2019 c1 6Jemstone6259
I like this. A lot of Alice story’s start off boring but this as rather cute. And a painter how interesting.
2/23/2019 c9 scarlettravencrove
Hope you continue this is amazing
10/5/2018 c9 1Gill o' Teen
¡I love this fanfic! I liked how you write. Sonata isn't a normal protagonist from a fanfic cliché, she has got a great personality and I'm seeing how it develops
2/24/2018 c8 6AxZi
I feel you've got Julius very well here. The grumpy, gloomy pessimistic with deep inside him a heart of gold. I see that there's some plot started to unfurl here, which is nice. Also the whole "He's like a brick wall" thing about Ace is so true. I like those somewhat piercing and to the point comments of Sonata.

And that was my review.

Thank you :)
12/17/2017 c7 119Bad Ass Female Fighter
Gotta love the Ace moment here.
12/15/2017 c7 6AxZi
I liked main character and Nightmare's back and forwards, they were fun. Also Ace's brief yandereness. Refreshing: I haven't had my dose of Ace in aaaaages. Thank you for writing~
8/8/2017 c6 4watergoddesskasey
Loved it!
7/30/2017 c6 6AxZi
I really like the way she is with Boris. Their skinship and everything feels very natural, and you can see they both like each other a lot. I loved the fact that Boris meowed at being underneath her mercy, hehe. Boris's sadness at Alice's disappearance also came over well; I really liked the way Sonata tried to cheer him up but how it didn't work immediately, since it felt very realistic in that way.

Whoo, Sonata going in investigation mode...I wonder whether she'd be the type to just blurt out questions in an interrogatively matter when Nightmare shows up, or will try to be super subtle and only nudge him a little (only to find out the guy can read minds XD).

Or maybe Nightmare won't show up at all? Maybe for all she's an outsider, she's not like Alice was for him, so he didn't help get her here like he did Alice so the dreams are unnecessary. Would be interesting, but Nightmare is great so he needs to show up too now and then! *nods sagely to herself*
7/28/2017 c4 AxZi
Oh, and this review has nothing to do with the story and may be a bit pushy buuuuut...I think you're such a good writer, and I really adore no kuni no alice, and I kinda really wanted to do it with someone soooo... Would you like to collaborate on a story with me? I go by AxZi on this site as well, but I'm too lazy at logging in, but you can send me a pm if you're okay with this. ...Hopefully this doesn't come over as creepy~
7/28/2017 c5 AxZi
Writing outsider with a caps O is kinda annoying. Otherwise, I really love Ace, but then I've always loved Ace no matter what, so is it that I love Ace or am in love with love itself? Hmm... Also, poor Julius. Doesn't he realize taking in outsider strays have never ended well for him? The poor guy..

Oh, and before I forget, about Sonata; will she be doing any painting in the future? I'm curious what their reactions will be towards her skill (outside of Peter's, since we already know his).

Also, clearly she should stay at the Hatter mansion! I love Blood face palming at the bunch of fools in his mansion. I think she'd fit in very well, since she's an idiot, and Elliot is an idiot and in their own ways so are the twins, so there's chemistry. Their interactions with all of them together are beautiful.
7/28/2017 c2 AxZi
Her personality's quite nice as well. I'm enjoying her interactions with everyone, especially the hatter gang. Thank you for writing! 3
7/28/2017 c1 AxZi
This is absolutely darling, oh my god! You can write really well, I'm so looking forwards to reading more of this. 3 3 3
10/9/2016 c6 candybrown
Woah, that's a really a long time, but YAY! :)
2/21/2015 c1 Guest
Pretty good
Short but nice start
1/6/2015 c3 2VampireSiren
Again, another well-written and hilarious chapter! XD
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