Just In
for Get-Together

1/22/2013 c1 4Lunarium Prince
That story was just... awesome. It was much better than I expected it to be and I didn't puke my gizzards out from any cheesy romance because there wasn't any! I love my gift! XD Great job! Also,... damaged city. Now you know why I don't let out my Hydreigon in public anymore...
1/21/2013 c1 51MewMewExorcist
Oh, so darn laughable! A splash fight... Well, I suppose that's about right. Leaf's a wild girl, and Blue's the stubborn rival. Red's the peacekeeper? Hehe. XD I feel so, so sorry for him.

Keep up the awesome work Mewtwo!
1/21/2013 c1 7tommy tennyson
can i be in it

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