Just In
for Kyoya Ootori X Reader

4/11/2019 c2 ellie
WELLLLLLL what happed
2/9/2019 c2 that one demonkid
make more soon plz
10/3/2018 c2 Haruhi ootori
All of kyoya's family came and kyoya arrived he had that O : he took his glasses of and said " oh my did all of you plan this? " _ smiled "yes" all of the hosts said.
3/11/2017 c1 Guest
That was soooo cute
6/10/2016 c2 22CrystalFabray
Cool! i started reading thid on devianart, cant wait 4 more!
5/10/2016 c2 Haruka'sgalisme
_ Kat
4/12/2016 c2 3TheCatsInTheBag
WHAT! That's we're it ends really? I read the comments and though people just wanted more but that just ENDED
12/11/2015 c2 6Vampiregal2000
Tbh this is so shitty but I love it
3/20/2015 c2 Maple Leaf
why have you not updated? Must. Have. More. Awesomeness!
3/9/2015 c2 Guest
please update
8/3/2014 c2 Haruhi fujioka
Ok so I'm use ing a fake name that's for a resone but I loved the story
8/3/2014 c1 Haruhi fujioka
Love it kyo chan is so cuteeeeee! XD
2/5/2014 c2 Daniela
1/10/2014 c2 Paige
why no more chapters? this is really good please do more!
12/27/2013 c2 ouranoracle87
aww man thats it it ends there...:( oh well i still really like it please keep up the great work...really awsome job...ill be waiting!
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