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for Marauders: Year Two

3/31/2018 c2 Guest
Basketball is an american sport. They are English they will play cricket or hockey. Or maybe even netball I'm not sure about that one though.
2/6/2017 c4 Guest
Awesome just awesome
1/30/2017 c3 Tala White 14
Perfection. Could not stop snickering.
10/12/2016 c19 domfactor2
I am in love with this series of stories! Your writing is so easy to read and it's completely relatable. Thank you for gracing us with your amazing skills and creativity
10/10/2016 c3 domfactor2
the first year prank killed me! I'm dying from laughter. brilliant!
9/5/2016 c12 MPHFPCLover
8/29/2016 c6 MPHFPCLover
Now before I read the rest I imagine Remus looking at the clock and its 4 o'clock and him yelling so loud he wakes up Sirius and Peter ARE YOU BLOODY KIDDING ME JAMES!? ITS FOUR IN THE MORNING AND I DONT EVEN LIKE QUIDDITCH!
8/8/2016 c19 acorntreeinc
I'm so enjoying your stories.
7/25/2016 c19 1Maddy17171717
This one was so good, even better than the last one! Have I ever mentioned how much I love how loving and supportive you write Mrs. Lupin? Most fanfics paint her to be ashamed of her son, or hardly able to look at him, and I love that you write her so well. She's amazing, and Remus could use all the support and acceptance he can get. Once again, amazing work.
7/25/2016 c18 Maddy17171717
Awww I feel so bad for James. I know they end up together, of course, but I feel really bad for him. Well I did, until he got over it 20 seconds later. But I felt very sorry for him in those 20 seconds. He bounces back quickly, doesn't he?
7/25/2016 c17 Maddy17171717
When he said Lily Potter, at first I didn't even notice. I forgot her name was Evans before Potter.
7/25/2016 c15 Maddy17171717
I really liked it, but James' big head annoyed me to no end.
7/25/2016 c8 Maddy17171717
Oh my gosh they know! I can't believe they didn't see it sooner.
7/25/2016 c5 Maddy17171717
I can't believe they haven't figured it out yet. It seems so obvious now that I know.
7/25/2016 c4 Maddy17171717
James and Sirius are so funny together.
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