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for The Lying Game Drabbles

7/20/2013 c1 7Stayinfaith16
NEW NetFlix Update:

I just got done talking to another NetFlix representative and she said that we need to try and contact the people who produce the Lying Game so that we can get them on board for making this happen.

This is EXACTLY what she told me "Now what you can also do is contact the studio who produces this show and have them email Affiliates to discuss the title"

So PLEASE anyone that has twitter help me out with tweeting Chuck Pratt Jr (TLG Producer/Creator) and the cast about this. We need them on board as much as we are.

Also post on Netflix's blog, twitter & facebook like CRAZY! There's a big chance this could happen if we make enough noise! !

This is one of the final things she told me when I told her how I know a lot of people have been contacting them about TLG: "Yes we have heard a lot about this from our customers and we love feedback so we will definitively do what we can about this

3/17/2013 c1 Guest
That was interesting I loved the ones with Emma and Thayer :):):) 3
1/26/2013 c1 7DancingDaffodils
It's a great idea and it's wery well written ! Can't wait for chapter 2 ! :D
Keep it up ! ;)
1/25/2013 c1 1TheUntoldTales
Okay, so, I don't have the slightest idea of what the Lying Games are... maybe I should feel bad about that xD But the moment I saw you wrote a new story... yeah... well... I had to read it. And I loved it!

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