Just In
for Second Chance

2/4/2013 c4 2TheLollypop311
I liked the fight! That was really good! And awww Draco is so sweet!
2/4/2013 c1 TheLollypop311
LOL! That was funny! I like it :)
2/4/2013 c1 61Soccerisawesome19
Thank you everyone for the reviews! They are so welcomed! Glad that everyone is enjoying the story so far! Keep on reading! :)
2/4/2013 c5 Guest
2/4/2013 c5 bonniebonbon
Soccerisawesome19...THIS IS SO FREAKING GOOD! I love how Luna describes Blaise as "hot". Totally different Luna, but i like it! ;) Anyway, IT"S REALLY GOOD!
2/2/2013 c5 13Gingiie666
Pretty good so far, continue soon :)
2/2/2013 c5 PhoenixEye10000
they DO look good together, luna is so right! *fangirl obsession squeel* go Draco! :D
1/29/2013 c2 Emi
Hi Soccerisawesome19...! Keep writing...want to see what will happen next!
1/29/2013 c2 Gissel
I've absolutely enjoyed reading these chapters.
I just love the humor in in and can't wait for your next update.
1/28/2013 c2 4TiraFaeMyths
Hermione seems to be warming up to a certain blond! She is very snappy!
1/28/2013 c1 TiraFaeMyths
Teehee the banter! Loving it so far!
1/27/2013 c1 bonniebonbon
u know who i am :)
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