Just In
for Second Chance

5/29/2013 c19 34Professor McGonagal
Great chapter! Looking forward to more!
5/26/2013 c19 3Narnia and Harry Potter 4 EVER
Ok did ginny just break a promise or did she not because if my friends knew I did that I would have told them to not say Anything!
5/26/2013 c19 Fosmdndllanebdkal
Its ok Draco. Hermione will be ok! :D
5/26/2013 c19 melissa.robitille
At least Draco has brains enough to ask Ginny if this is something that happens frequently rather than just freak and worry and blame himself.
5/19/2013 c18 shineayandellie
Really Good BUT it's really annoying when you put random Shit in the middle of a sentence. Other than that I love it and want more
5/20/2013 c18 34Professor McGonagal
Great chapter!
5/20/2013 c18 1Lollipop Love 1998
Omg this so cute, I love it 3
5/19/2013 c18 4YouCanCallMeHarley
I really love it keep writing
5/14/2013 c18 3Narnia and Harry Potter 4 EVER
Omg that is so sweet I loved it :D
5/13/2013 c18 2theJessFaith
Ahahaha that's sweet (:
5/13/2013 c18 melissa.robitille
Draco's definitely a violin or piano ( concertos, not ragtime!) kind of guy... Honestly? I think for singing he shouldn't be able to carry a tune in a bucket, because otherwise he's just too ooh-ah-swoony-dreamy and that's no fun at all - having a few flaws that really *can't* be overcome make a hero more human and enable the audience to better relate with him.
5/13/2013 c18 Fosmdndllanebdkal
I play the alto sax! :D
5/13/2013 c18 2potterhead27
Oh my god that speech was so cute cant wait for more
5/5/2013 c17 Fosmdndllanebdkal
You're in Toronto?
5/3/2013 c1 sanbeegoldiewhitey
Your McGonagall is stupid to have made Draco as Head Boy. Probably all the surviving seventh year boys were more qualified. Harry the hero, Neville, the resistance leader against the Carrows, Michael Corner who was tortured because he saved a first year and even Terry Boot. Your affection for Draco the ferret Death Eater who likes cursing people at the back, is mind-boggling. I know, you will say if I don't like this , I should not read this. That is exactly what I am going to do.
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