Just In
for I'm Sorry

9/25/2015 c3 Lost-In-A-New-World
Please update, this is a great story and you've left it on a cliffhanger. I can't wait to see what happens next
3/28/2015 c3 ps.alphamega
if they both love each other THIS much,, I'd strongly recommend to continue this story. Every leyna story DESERVES to be completed by the author. it'd be really nice of you to do it.. :-)
3/28/2015 c2 ps.alphamega
I'm gonna keep nagging you till Leo and Reyna reconcile. PLEASE do it happy happy.! its too sad! leyna ends in HAPPY! please please please help them through! this is not good! they should be happily together! :-)
3/28/2015 c1 ps.alphamega
that was bad... :( poor leo is hurt! this is not good... Reyna would never hurt leo.*sniffs* please help them through this... :-)
8/11/2014 c3 53ZJeM
I'd really appreaciate it if you actually continued this story. I love how well you keep Reyna and Leo (especially him) in-character, totally magic. c:
3/15/2014 c3 Guest
Gahhhhh! Where is the end of the story! Thee must update - or the apple fritter will come get you! Jk
1/26/2014 c1 Conta abandonada
Você pretende continuar esta história? Eu gosto muito dela e gostaria de saber se você vai continuar. :D
12/26/2013 c3 Conta abandonada
Eu amo sua história. Você irá continuar? Por favor continue.
8/5/2013 c1 Nerd Girl 12
Please write another chapter. Please.
7/12/2013 c3 eli
problem for both, this is going to be good
6/25/2013 c3 15End Of Story Goodbye
This is utterly hilarious, well written, and clever. I love your writing style! Please continue!
5/19/2013 c3 Heydood
I am dying for the next chapter.
4/5/2013 c3 5Mrs.DylanLightwoodIvashkov
Great story! Update please!
3/27/2013 c3 Guest
3/17/2013 c3 5Cccrrraaazzzyyy
I LOVE it! We all need something like this once in a while...
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