Just In
for The last

2/8/2014 c1 Isabelle
I love this! And I like how you made Wong Fu's video,The Last,a fanfic for Amu and Ikuto. I love that video _
4/27/2013 c1 Guest
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i spent the entire story trying to figure out who teh Why was taht was mean
4/19/2013 c1 gamer27
Cute the 6th one almost made me cry
3/26/2013 c1 6KookieKuma
I like this story :)
hmm... if you ever get the chance, if you havent already... can you please write a sequel... i want to know Ikuto's side of the story... how many times he said that to a girl
3/25/2013 c1 10jbug2000
Awwww this was absolutley ABORABLE! I love it! It was so sweet and funny great job!
2/21/2013 c1 12AmuxIkutolover
I was wondering why I couldn't figure out who why was... I think that you should make it a two-shot with Amu being pregnant or something. AMUTO FOREVER! :)
2/6/2013 c1 12Animecookie13
Haha, I think you should do one from Ikuto's POV, that would be interesting!
2/4/2013 c1 diablowizard457
I think I know who did the video! Was it Wongfu productions? If it is, it's weird, because I actually watched the video a few minutes ago... Coincidences, coincidences, coincidences...
2/3/2013 c1 kitty.0
Why's story made me cry. He sounds like a sweet character and his story was very sad.

I really liked the 'Who, What, Where, When, and Why' aspect of this. The ending is surprisingly sweet and I really liked it.
2/3/2013 c1 pandasforjesus
Wong fuuuuuu!
2/2/2013 c1 Guest
Lol, my sister showed m this video yesterday. Right before I read this XD
2/1/2013 c1 13cuppycakelol
i can honestly say I really love this

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