Just In
for Not Knowing What Should Be Known

4/16/2017 c11 Guest
Plz update it's really good
6/30/2015 c10 Aya
Ah, it needs to be a Suzuaku/OC fic! That way, big brother will try to either push or pull the relationship. I'd love to see a overprotective Lulu when it comes to his sisters and boys. ;3
3/23/2015 c10 3Anonymous Crew
Update. Please.
3/21/2015 c10 2Fernacus
I say it was a pretty entertaining read and remember: quality is better than quantity.
1/7/2015 c8 2Aiphira
If you update, please try making the chapters longer. :) It's kind of .. disappointing, I guess, to wait for a new chapter so eagerly and get such a short one ... :/ By the way, still liked it. :)
8/28/2014 c7 Aiphira
Waiting for more. ;D
3/27/2014 c7 Himeno Kazehito
Can't wait
8/11/2013 c6 10ultima-owner
not bad for a short chapter
8/11/2013 c6 2Aiphira
Please, continue !
7/14/2013 c5 vrtulka
I have to say that for me it is a really interesting story i hope that you will continue updating it.
7/14/2013 c5 9Cookielova
Great story! I was wondering how this had five chapters and I had never heard of it...try not to take too long next update please? I really want to know what happens next! Keep up the good work and don't stop writing

7/13/2013 c5 2Aiphira
Pretty good. Though you could try to do a little longer chapters, y'know? :P Also, what pairings are you going for? And are you going to make Victoria a scientist, so to speak? xD
7/12/2013 c4 Aiphira
Please, continue this!
3/11/2013 c3 Blacksword Zero
So far I liked it. I'm very curious how thing will go for Victoria.
3/11/2013 c2 Blacksword Zero
I'm curious how fast the wound of Victoria healed. Good chapter.
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