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for TMNT profiles

7/8/2018 c3 4FastestTurtleAlive717
WOW! I love it! Donnie is my favorite Turtle, you put a good light on him, I say you follow one of my story and wanted to let you know I have a few others you might like, especially one called the fastest turtle alive, it was my first story but its about Donnie, I think you'll really like it! and I think you are a really talented writer! keep up the good work!
5/31/2015 c4 20Pheonix09
That was awesome and amusing, I loved it and nice job
5/24/2013 c2 honkytonk-babe3
oh my god! raph and i have the same birthday! hes only a year younger!
5/24/2013 c4 MikeyMoo23
Do more do more! _
5/24/2013 c4 Jung Hyo Hwa
2/16/2013 c3 HannahNoelle324
Very funny ending
2/12/2013 c3 13Y. Honey
I waited to see if you would change this a little because there's a few things that you must know about this. First, it has script format, which is not allowed by the rules of the page and second, since it lacks a plot of any kind it could be considered as a non-story post which is also against the rules.

Please do fix this by adding a plot and reworking the script format.

Y. Honey
Critics United
2/10/2013 c3 Sika
Not only are quiet ones scary when they are angry but sometimes it's funny too!
2/10/2013 c3 CrossmanC1
2/10/2013 c3 I Love Kittens too
Donnie! I love it. I've always love Donnie since the original series!
2/10/2013 c2 I Love Kittens too
Great description of Raph!
2/8/2013 c2 Sika
Haha! I love the conversations at the end!
2/10/2013 c3 3DJfire
Almost perfect!
2/9/2013 c1 HellaGayKid
This story is really great and funny.
One little thing though... if he was born in 1998 wouldnt he be only 14?
2/9/2013 c1 1Minipandacakes
Leo has blue eyes, not chocolate. Just throwing that out there.
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