Just In
for Walk Beside Me

6/24/2014 c8 LibzJackson
6/24/2014 c5 LibzJackson
Such a great pairing, as friends. I did wonder what happened to Marietta, and this honestly feels like the real thing. You're a wonderful writer, keep it up!
6/24/2014 c3 LibzJackson
Slightly rushed, but you're still awesome!
Agh, I think my other review wasn't posted. Love the one shots!
12/18/2013 c2 115percychased
I love this, two of my favorite pairings :)
12/10/2013 c8 626yellow 14
A really beautiful moment. Keep updating
11/21/2013 c5 161Lillielle
Awww. I'm happy that Marietta had Cho to stand by her in this story. You've made me feel for Marietta! D: It would be a difficult thing, not knowing if what you're doing is right or wrong-and even though Umbridge is an absolute toad, she IS a person in authority and they WERE breaking the rules...yay for Cho staying by her side the way she does. :)
11/12/2013 c1 7cleury
I really like the narrative style of this story- the second person narrative. Really gets me into the feeling of this fic! It's almost like a running stream of Hermione's consciousness.

One nit-picky thing to point out, and I'm not sure if it's even canon (the line between canon and fanfic has long been blurred for me,) I'm pretty certain Hermione's scared of heights so I wonder if she would be the type to willingly go somewhere up so high.

Either way, this was awesome. Thanks for writing it!
10/16/2013 c3 28Aliko Kinav
Awww :)
Young Weasleys 3
9/21/2013 c7 25MandyinKC
Nice chapter. Lily and Snape always remind me of my favorite Oprah quote: "When somebody shows you who they are, believe them." Lily might have brought out the best parts of Snape, but I think he showed his true self in that moment and she did the only thing she could: cut him out. Great chapter on a hard life lesson.
9/7/2013 c6 626yellow 14
Very good, very insightful. Keep updating
9/4/2013 c5 yellow 14
A really insightful look into Marietta's mind. And I agree with it, people do overlook the fact that she DID stay by Cho when she was breaking up. That's far better than Cho's other friends and nobody else came to her side. I think Marietta DID fight in the battle though. Keep writing
9/2/2013 c5 12Princess Unikitty
aah! cute story.
9/2/2013 c5 25MandyinKC
That one was really sad. You really made me feel sorry for Marietta.
7/26/2013 c4 6peevesisawesome
Wow this is a great story! Your portrayal of the characters are really good :) I especially liked the weasley chapter, little bill is so cute!
6/7/2013 c4 Guest of Guests
LOVED this fic! I enjoyed each story, but I personally preferred chapters one and four, probably due to their deeper meaning. Add you to my list of favorites? Yes!
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