Just In
for The Chamber of Demi-Secrets

9/22/2013 c8 2just-sitting-here
Julianna (jew-e-an-na)Colorado
Demigods/wizard she is 12
Bow and arrows Harry and Ron house
Eyes gray
Hair brown with red streks just above her knees always in ponytail/pigtail or down if really cold
Was bred by evil scientist to have wings
9/15/2013 c7 3Silver Simmons
I'm going to guess either (this takes place after the war with Gaea right?) Ginny cause she's possessed by Tom Riddle or... UM... I have no idea... This is a really good story, update soon.
9/15/2013 c7 binglebop
Woah that's the hooded figure Sirius?
9/15/2013 c7 3cowsaremyfriends42
The only person I can think of is Edward Elric and he's from FMA so that can't be it... Idk, Moody?
9/14/2013 c7 2Jamie Phantom
It's a nice story. I like it!
8/23/2013 c7 franks sassy stick
Haha I love this!
6/3/2013 c6 Julessssss
O_o wow, remind not to get on your bad side...
5/27/2013 c7 StarLilly Rose
Great job so far. I like the story. Keep it up!
5/13/2013 c7 Alex
this a really a great story i love the storyline and stuff please update!
5/12/2013 c7 Guest Smiley
FANTASTIC STORY if u could update more than u could be an author! i luv ur story so plz UPDATE MORE! i know ur busy but i really like this story, would definitely put it as one of my favorites, if i had an account. again PLZ UPDATE FASTER. D
5/10/2013 c7 Just a name
Well I wasnt going to put a name but I didnt want to be...thought I was the OTHER guest. But a great story. I really like it. Poor Nico. Everyone was put in Gryffindor except him. And yes I know I probably spelled the house name wrong.
5/9/2013 c7 ohboromir
Skylumos7466 Hufflepuff.
LOL! Poor Ron!
Annabeth calm down it's a owl mail carrier. It's not the end of the world if your mums symbol is a mailowl
5/8/2013 c7 pjlizzy94
Type your review for this chapter here...
5/8/2013 c7 2DaughterofAthena6
Perseus and Percival both shortened to Percy I ee I ee I. Update Soon Plz!
5/8/2013 c7 ClearBear
Stupid ff won't let me log on on my I love your story. Just an FYI I think you meant expelled and not exspelled, and I cannot wait until the next update!
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