Just In
for The Chamber of Demi-Secrets

3/24/2013 c5 OneBrainCell
It does make sense to put Nico in Slytherin yet at the same time, he should've been in Gryffindor because of the post war trauma. Please update soon!
3/24/2013 c5 9SummerSpirit18
Nice sorting!
I still don't get used to imagine them like they are well I'll get used
3/12/2013 c4 ohboromir
yay. Ditchin' Perfect Percy Weasley.
3/11/2013 c4 SummerSpirit18
More to fly?
Pooor them.
Well at least Zeus don't get angry.
Oh next chapter at Hogwarts?
3/11/2013 c4 13The Inverse Universe
you scared me for a second, I thought you said Percy Jackson at the end. Good story by the way.
3/11/2013 c4 Guest
This is really good, but you have some gaps (like with the shadow travel and which demigods are there)... you should try re-reading through what you have before you continue because i'm confused... not that it's that unusual.
2/24/2013 c3 HoodIcecream
No! Say PJ for Percy Jackson and Percy for Weasly! I think that the name PJ is sooo adorable! Great start, update ASAP!
Lots of luck
2/24/2013 c3 Guest
I think PW would be better for Percy Weasley because he isn't as main a character if your planning to follow the Golden Trio and The Demigods.
2/24/2013 c1 Guest
Too True about the language. Our language is too weird.
2/23/2013 c3 Unkillable
Percival for the Weasley and Perseus for Percy.
2/23/2013 c3 guest smiley
plz plz plz plz plz update. this story is really good so far. plz update plz. i think u should totally be a writer, if u clean up the little grammar mistakes plz UPDATE plz *puppy eyes*
2/23/2013 c3 6Quieteyes5
HA! I think Perseus should be Weasley, and Percy for Percy Jackson. It just makes more sense, seeing as Percy Weasley is more formal than Jackson. Otherwise, great story!
2/23/2013 c3 9SummerSpirit18
Oh ok.
Now let me understand.
Hecate made them 13?
2/23/2013 c3 Guest
great chapter. Keep up the good work!
2/17/2013 c2 SummerSpirit18
Good till now!
I want to read more!
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