Just In
for A Hallow Heart

2/16/2013 c4 Gettruuuuuuude
A five year old building a torture chamber for zombies...
Seems legit.

I love this story, I just can't get enough of it!
2/16/2013 c4 2A.Girl.In.The.Fireplace
That was really good. To short though! The suspense is killing me! No really it's a serious condition... :) I have a five year old brother too who today asked me to get him a giant dead baby on Scribblenaughts... he worries me sometimes... Anyway can't wait for more!
2/15/2013 c3 19bubblemoon66
Awesome story so far, the second chapter made me giggle and I like you take on Darquesse - I could see that happening in the books.
2/13/2013 c2 Amy
how could you! they were going to kiss! but i don't hate you, don't worry! :P :P :) :)
2/13/2013 c1 Guest
2/14/2013 c3 2A.Girl.In.The.Fireplace
Poor Val. At least he still cares about her :)
2/12/2013 c1 Amy
wanna read more! write more please! and urrrrrrrr please let val win! mwahaah! can't wait for valduggery!
2/13/2013 c2 A.Girl.In.The.Fireplace
EDGE OF MY SEAT! :) It was amazing.
2/13/2013 c2 8Rosalie Storm

2/13/2013 c2 non0user
I love this story so far :D Please, continue...
2/13/2013 c2 Gettruuuuuuude
I hate you so much. I'm going to send Dora after you to lay under your bed at night with her map singing. I'm a map. I'm a map.
Have fun. :)
2/12/2013 c1 2A.Girl.In.The.Fireplace
Your stories always make me smile :) I hope there's more soon!
2/12/2013 c1 11children of the outcast
Ha ha loving it. Please write more *failed puppy dog eyes*
2/12/2013 c1 Gettruuuuuuude
This is actually really, really good. I love it. It has the perfect place to stop and enough detail to just lure you in and not look away. Write more of this kinda stuff! XD
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