Just In
for A Hallow Heart

6/5/2013 c21 53NightcatMau
Good to see Skulduggery his usual humble self. :)
6/5/2013 c22 8KaliturnedSaviour
Okay: A: I'm glad you've officially joined the legions of minions who have looked at the new cover and had SO MUCH FEELS!

B: You got threatened?! We can threaten on here? What has been the purpose of every review I've ever made? ;)
C: This crazy ball of light thing is really interesting...
Finding out there were another couple of chapters made my day.
6/5/2013 c22 11manyscarletskies
I blinked aah love it please update soon!
6/5/2013 c22 3Anonymous Miki
Pose Striked
Cameras Snapped
PS: I look Awesome
I think that because of this story I will move to Australia and marry you even if your the same Gender as me I shall change my sexuality Because You Are AMAZING ( capitals intended).
And I threw my weapons into a deep dark hole and buried them and did a spell so now I can't even remember where they are...
6/4/2013 c20 53NightcatMau
So freaking awesome, loved it!
6/4/2013 c20 3Anonymous Miki
You're mean
Can't we blackmail/threaten/ask nicely you to change your mind?
6/1/2013 c19 KnucklesEchidna
I'm loving the awesomeness that is your story! I read it, and I read it... And then it is over. Far too soon. YOU MUST CONTINUE THIS AWESOMENESS! :') thankyou.
5/25/2013 c19 Ginger Blackmore

This is... *squeals with delight*

I daresay this story just keeps getting better, 8D
5/25/2013 c18 Ginger Blackmore
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Keep calm. There is another chapter...
5/25/2013 c17 Ginger Blackmore
OH MY GOD YES. What an awesome chapter. I've been without internet for a while, but I was able to see that you updated days ago. And I have just been thinking about this fic, I'll catch myself in an idle moment, thinking, Val's animal form is totally cool. And that x-box scene was perfect. Wait, what am I supposed to be doing? Studying? Oh yeah. Right. That.
YAY for update!
5/25/2013 c19 53NightcatMau
I think darkness is gonna kick light's butt.
5/25/2013 c18 NightcatMau
What the hey is it with evil Americans? lol! Loved it!
5/25/2013 c19 amy
awsome! amazing! i'm loving it! there was quite a bit of suspension! please update soon!
5/25/2013 c19 6MoriartyOwesYouAFall
Love it D UPDATE!
5/25/2013 c19 3Anonymous Miki
I know.
I accidentally walked in on my seven year old brother kissing his friend.
An experience I never ever want to repeat. *Extreme shudder*
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