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for Revenge is just the beginning

9/15/2019 c12 Guest
please update
4/18/2018 c12 Guest
i like it keep it up
10/18/2014 c14 5ImJustLoafly
Dude... Can I get my feature now? ;)
12/20/2013 c14 11FemaleWhovian
OMG, I am at a loss of words! Your writing is just so amazing, so detailed, and hilarious! I don't get how it's not more popular, but can I just say, excellent job!
12/5/2013 c14 2HOAfan8509
Great chapter. Hope you update soon.
10/13/2013 c13 anonymous1397
your story makes me so happy! great update although i think the story might benefit if the chapters don't jump ahead each time, so they start where they left off instead. but please update soon, i can't wait for jess to show them how good she really is
10/13/2013 c1 1HomeandAwayFF
You should really continue this story
9/29/2013 c11 2HOAfan8509
Love ur story. Hope you update soon. :)
9/6/2013 c11 Guest
I absoloutely LOVE this story, its well done. I can't wait for more so please don't keep us waiting too long
8/27/2013 c10 fireworkshow
Can you please update soon its been like 2 months. love your story though
7/5/2013 c10 5ImJustLoafly
Great so far Aleena, liking Noln in it, duh he's my friend man! hahaha anyway, when am I going to be in it huh? haha xo
6/30/2013 c10 123467891013
Please update soon! :)
5/27/2013 c9 ct6742
I am hooked! MORE!
5/18/2013 c9 3moomoo3515
Great, as always.
5/15/2013 c9 25Kiwiflea
Oh geez. I'm not sure how I feel about Jess telling them who she is, but I'm sure Emily will either be floored by having another sister, or totally disbelieving of Jess. Happy you're keeping Aiden around, since the show doesn't seem to want to! I need more hot, British guys in my life! Good luck with your exams!
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