Just In
for Before You

12/25/2013 c1 1I-Love-Trunks1
Aw, that was so cute.

I loved this story so much!

I was wondering if you could please write more of this story?
11/3/2013 c1 82Sycocat2
How cute!
4/26/2013 c1 11Black-servant
Beautiful! I really don't know what else to say just beautiful.
2/16/2013 c1 145Dlbn
Aw so sweeeeet :3 Ritsuka and Soubi are just adorable. I love it! happy late Valentine's Day :D

2/16/2013 c1 promocat
this is so sweet- & i do agree with ristuka-soubi is much more childish than he lets on
2/15/2013 c1 Guest
daww yay for fluffy valentines day fics!
2/14/2013 c1 Ennu
Awww... Thats cute. Happy valentines day to you too.
2/14/2013 c1 63AZ1087653
That was so sweet. I like seeing Ritsuka start to change and become more like a child. He needs that so much!

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